Generation Chef is the story of Jonah Miller, who at age twenty-four attempts to fulfill a lifelong dream by opening the Basque restaurant Huertas in New York City, still the high-stakes center of the restaurant business for an ambitious young chef.
The deluxe eBook edition of Generation Chef features exclusive multimedia content, including four videos that take readers to Huertas in the East Village to meet chef and owner Jonah Miller, his partner and manager Nate Adler, as well as ...
This combination of the old and the new is on display in Tokyo New Wave, a transporting cookbook and armchair travel guide that captures this moment in Japanese cuisine and brings it to a savvy global audience.
Cyril Lignac generation chef
Luscious Legacies Cookbook: L’Dor V’Dor: From Generation to Generation By: Chef Idalee A. Cathcart Luscious Legacies Cookbook is not quite like other cookbooks or self-help books.
With song and music pairings for each recipe, this is not your average cookbook.
Pamela Staples Ward is currently the Executive Sous Chef at Methodist Hospitals located in Northwest Indiana.
Containing more than 300 simple recipes, this comprehensive and colorful volume on French cooking helps demystify this popular continental cuisine.
In this collection of heritage and updated recipes, he traces a history of community and family brought together by food.
... Morgon Mae Schultz, and Patrick Schilling Allison Schwarz Claudia Serrato Jason and Stevie Shea Ben Sherman Gerald Sherman Jonathan Kyle Slater Ted and Kim Smith David Souther and Annie Levine Stuart Stanley Heidi and Judy Steltzner ...
“Rock star of the kitchen” chef Dufresne’s first cookbook, featuring the story of his pioneering restaurant and its famous dishes (Publishers Weekly).