Relates how Adolf Hitler's determination to succeed helped him to overcome such obstacles as a poor education and become dictator of Germany.
The Nazi Invasion of Poland: The History of the Campaign that Started World War II chronicles the beginning of the war in Europe.
Ludwik Czyżewski, Wspomnienia dowódcy obrony Zakroczymia w 1939 r. [Memories of the Commander of the Defence of ... Jochen Böhler, Zbrodnie Wehrmachtu w Polsce [Wehrmacht Crimes in Poland] (Krakow: Znak Publishing House, 2009).
It was one of the most ruthlessly conceived and executed invasions in the annals of warfare. Hitler's Polish campaign unleashed a blitzkrieg in which SS troops, police squads, and the...
Quoted in Richard Hargreaves, Blitzkrieg Unleashed: The German Invasion of Poland, 1939 (Barnsley, England, 2008), 191. 8. Ibid., 191. 9. Wojciech Włodarkiewicz, Lwów 1939 (Warsaw, 2003), 80. 10. Ibid., 91. 11. Langner diary, op.cit., ...
I will go down as the greatest German in history. –ADOLF HITLER We Poles do not understand the concept of 'peace at any price'. There is one thing in the life of men, nations and states which is priceless – honour. – JOZEF BECK ...
If you are interested in this book, you might also be interested in Jewish Life in Poland: The Art of Moshe Rynecki (1881-1943).
The War Hitler Won, September 1939
This collection of historic World War II documents includes the Allies' response to Germany's invasion of Poland, including Neville Chamberlain's addresses both to the British and Germans, and the French premier's response.
For 16-year-old Jan Kamienski, life as he knows it ends when Germany invades Poland on September 1, 1939.
Illustrated throughout with detailed maps, artwork and contemporary photographs, Blitzkrieg: The Invasion of Poland to the Fall of France tells the story of these first breakneck attacks, examining the armed forces, leaders, technology, ...