U.S. District Judge Gary Taylor , instead of awarding the additional fee , castigated the firm as “ unethical ” and “ dishonorable . ” While the firm had argued that the bill was a bargain compared to a true contingency engagement ...
Cover -- Half Title -- Series Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- Series Editor's Preface -- Preface -- Dedication -- Introduction -- 1 The New Analytical Jurists -- I: INTRODUCTION -- II: SCOPE OF THE NEW ...
Texas Criminal Jury Charges
The Australian Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents
"Information on self-created and third-party created trusts"--
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Getting the right legal forms can cost you thousands of dollars in attorney's fees-but using the wrong forms can cost you even more. The Complete Book of Personal Legal Forms provides you with over 110 common forms everyone can use.
This text contains ready-to-use will precedents, dozens of alternative and additional clauses, plus expert commentary and drafting guidelines. Also provided are tax planning guidance and supplementary clauses for administrative powers
This unique guide provides paralegals with a foundation for writing effective correspondence in the law or corporate office.
Dans nos sociétés modernes, et jusqu'à nouvel ordre, l'art du juriste est d'abord celui d'un lecteur et d'un commentateur de ce qu'il a lu. Dans leur diversité, les textes dotés...