“The Education of a Reluctant Radical is beautifully written, informing us beyond the events it relates, thus touching us all. It is a walloping wonder of a memoir.” —John A. Williams “At a time when socialists all over the world awaken each day to a welter of pain, confusion, and regret, Carl Marzani is sitting down to remind us that socialism remains a powerful response to organized human need.” —Vivian Gornick “Delightful reading . . . the life of a ‘premature anti-fascist' that spans nearly the whole of the century.” —Studs Terkel “For Carl Marzani, a brave and staunch dissident and now one of those rare autobiographers who is simultaneously a first-rate biographer of his place(s) and time.” —Jane Jacobs This book spans a period of forty years, from my entering jail in March of 1949 to November of 1989, when the Berlin Wall came down. It touches nine presidencies—all dominated by the Cold War. That long period contained some of the most traumatic events in the history of the United States: the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Malcolm X, as well as the wars in Korea and Vietnam. Reconstruction, Book 5 is the final volume of memoirs from one who was, according to Italo Calvino, "a unique man . . . truly in love with the United States." Here is a remarkable first-hand account of many formative events of our time, and contains portraits of some of its great figures, including encounters with Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. It also recounts the reconstruction of Carl Marzani's life following imprisonment and divorce, with the building of a new life and family. This volume also includes Carl Marzani's Prison Notebooks—confiscated by the prison authorities in 1949 and retrieved from the FBI files in the 1980s—which now take their place among the literature of incarceration.
In this best-selling text BY social workers and FOR social workers, Charles Zastrow and Karen K. Kirst-Ashman, nationally prominent social work educators and authors, guide studetns in assessing and evaluating how individuals function ...
War and State Making: The Shaping of the Global Powers
Charrière , H. 1969. Papillon . Robert Lafont . ... 6 NOT OUR KIND OF GIRL ELAINE BELL KAPLAN Social research is concerned with the definition and assessment of social phenomena . Many social concepts such as teen pregnancy are ...
A very early example of this is the US single play ' The Hospital where a disturbed porter disrupts the power supply to the hospital . It was a CBS / Studio One production broadcast Doctor : Television , Storytelling and Medical Power ( ...
◆1991 年美國政治科學學會 Victoria Schuck 獎 ◆20 世紀最重要的女性主義政治哲學家,《像女孩那樣丟球》作者 Iris Young 代表作 ◆90 年代至今社會運動思想源頭,開創正義理論全新典範 ...
★當代最重要的政治人類學家詹姆斯.斯科特全新著作。 ★顛覆過往對國家與文明成形基本假設,提出今日國家建立的各種想像。 ...
陇者甘肃,历史悠久,文化醇厚。陇上学人,或生于斯长于斯的本地学者,或外来而其学术成就多产于甘肃者。学人是学术活动的主体,就《陇上学人文存》(以下简称《文存》)的 ...
Booth, John. 1985. The End and the Beginning: The Nicaraguan Revolution. Boulder: Westview. Booth, John, and Thomas W. Walker. 1989. Understanding Central America. Boulder: Westview Borge, Tomás. 1984. Carlos, the Dawn Ls No Longer ...
Growing global linkages and complexity are redressing the paradox aptly characterized by sociologist Daniel Bell in the last century , “ government is too big for the small problems of our society and too small for the big ones .
... George W. 318 Neal , Lonnie G. 126 , 312 Nickerson , William J. 11 Nokes , Clarence 121 Page , Lionel F. 356 ... Wanda Anne A. 150 Small , Isadore , III 135 Smart , Brinay 106 Smith , Jonathan S. , II 312 Smith , Morris Leslie 312 ...