A fresh look at the how US troops played a part in the resistance of US troops to the American war in Vietnam Even if you don't know much about the war in Vietnam, you've probably heard of "The Hanoi Hilton," or Hoa Lo Prison, where captured U.S. soldiers were held. What they did there and whether they were treated well or badly by the Vietnamese became lasting controversies. As military personnel returned from captivity in 1973, Americans became riveted by POW coming-home stories. What had gone on behind these prison walls? Along with legends of lionized heroes who endured torture rather than reveal sensitive military information, there were news leaks suggesting that others had denounced the war in return for favorable treatment. What wasn't acknowledged, however, is that U.S. troop opposition to the war was vast and reached well into Hoa Loa Prison. Half a century after the fact, Dissenting POWs emerges to recover this history, and to discover what drove the factionalism in Hoa Lo. Looking into the underlying factional divide between pro-war “hardliners” and anti-war “dissidents” among the POWs, authors Wilber and Lembcke delve into the postwar American culture that created the myths of the Hero-POW and the dissidents blamed for the loss of the war. What they found was surprising: It wasn’t simply that some POWs were for the war and others against it, nor was it an officers-versus-enlisted-men standoff. Rather, it was the class backgrounds of the captives and their pre-captive experience that drew the lines. After the war, the hardcore hero-holdouts—like John McCain—moved on to careers in politics and business, while the dissidents faded from view as the antiwar movement, that might otherwise have championed them, disbanded. Today, Dissenting POWs is a necessary myth-buster, disabusing us of the revisionism that has replaced actual GI resistance with images of suffering POWs—ennobled victims that serve to suppress the fundamental questions of America’s drift to endless war.
The book originates from the exhibition Waging Peace, which has been shown in Vietnam and the University of Notre Dame, and will be touring the eastern United States in conjunction with book launches in Boston, Amherst, and New York.
Peters 2, 153, 3, 7. 15. Ruthven 94; Peters 68. 16. Amnesty 162. 17. Ruthven 239. 18. Scarry 47. 19. WP:4:11:22;NY:4:30:38. 20. Smith 253-54, 301n; Rowe 209-12. 21. Scarry 28. 22. McConnell 194; Rowan 44. 23. Holt 51; Smith 119-24. 24.
Les éperons de la liberté. Paris: Editions Robert Laffont, 1979. Panassié, Hugues. Monsieur Jazz. Paris: Stock, 1975. Votre histoire, c'est notre histoire: Récits des douze lauréats. Centre Communal d'Action Sociale de la Ville du Havre ...
... 168 Ho Chi Minh, 126, 137 Hoffman, Roy F.: Christmas in Cambodia and, 48, 49; Kerry's fitness to command and, 3, ... 64, 66, 67–69; Sampan incident and, 58; SBVT letter and, 5–6, 188, 191 Holden, William P., 191 Holloway, Wayland, ...
showcased white, middle-class, highly educated, prowar career officers.88 He exaggerated their conditions, manipulated their motivations, and erased the voices of numerous antiwar, dissenting POWs.89 He made their release an official ...
How to Read Marx's Capital provides an illuminating and indispensable guide to sorting through cultural detritus of a world whose political and economic systems are simultaneously imploding and exploding.
In this startling book, Jerry Lembcke demonstrates that not a single incident of this sort has been convincingly documented.
This inspiring work explores various ways communities can emerge from the fragmentation that plagues modern society.
Elise Lemire tells this extraordinary story from the perspective of six men who played central roles in the events of May 1971.
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