This book is a guide to developing an all-hazards emergency operations planning team and EOC design. The author, Mike Fagel, Ph.D., CEM, has spent four decades in emergency response, including work with FEMA, Dept. of Justice, Defense Dept., and Homeland Security. He has developed courses for DHS and has instucted at several universities' master's programs.
Discovery Health (Discovery) is a private healthcare funder in South Africa.
Martha Johnson brought a new vision of government, based on trust, to the General Services Administration. Then an 'over the top' conference at a Las Vegas resort forced her to resign. What remains of Johnson's vision?
Crisis decision making. The centralization thesis revisited. Administration & Society, 25(1), 12–45. Hewitt, K. (Ed.) (1983). Interpretation of calamity: From the viewpoint of human ecology. Boston: Allen and Unwin.
The Essential Guide to Managing Corporate Crises: A Step-by-step Handbook for Surviving Major Catastrophes
Damage Control: Why Everything You Know about Crisis Management is Wrong
Comfort, L., Wisner, B., Cutter., S. Pulwarty, R., Hewitt, K., Oliver-Smith, A., Wiener, J., Fordham., M., Peacock, W., and Krimgold, F. (1999). “Reframing Disaster Policy: The Global Evolution of Vulnerable Communities.
Robert Metcalf , a Ph.D. microbiologist from Sacramento , California , has ... Dr. Metcalf can pasteurize one gallon of water in the summer in four hours with this simple system . The heated water can also be kept hot for a long time by ...
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Step-by-step
The Adversity Challenge: How Successful Leaders Bounce Back from Setbacks
This handbook provides detailed security procedures to protect facilities against terrorism and violent crimes.