The Arts Therapies provides, in one volume, a guide to the different disciplines and their current practice and thinking. It presents: * A clear analysis of the relationship between client, therapist and art form. * An exploration of research, practice and key contributions made to the field by practitioners internationally and within many different contexts. * Discussion of how the arts therapies relate to established health services. The Arts Therapies: A revolution in healthcare is a unique book that provides a thorough and up-to-date overview of the arts therapies. It will prove invaluable to arts therapists, health professionals, and all those who wish to learn more about the field.
This ground-breaking book explores the theoretical, clinical and training application of integrating mindfulness with all of the arts therapies, and includes cutting-edge contributions from neuroscience.
rough her training in sand play therapy, symbol work, and multimodal arts therapy, she provides opportunities ... More recently, she has been developing awareness of the physical sensations she experiences while working with clients.
The three sections of this volume correspond to particular life stages and explore major topics in arts therapies practice and the nature of depression in children, adults and in later life.
Contributors to this book provide a wealth of practical information, including ways to find opportunities to work with at-risk populations in order to gain experience with the arts as healing tools; choosing the right graduate school for ...
Unfortunately, getting good teachers to work in inner city schools is difficult. ... of teacher training, these students are often taught by uninvolved and unaccountable teachers who do not engage their students in the learning process.
This book is a guide to good practice and an invaluable resource for both experienced arts therapists and those new to the field.
No such book exists to this date which covers these critical areas in the creative arts therapies. The most well known, famous therapists in these creative arts therapies fields have contributed chapters to this manual.
This edited volume provides a series of case studies, with varied client groups, giving arts therapists an accessible introduction to assessment and outcome measures that can be easily incorporated into their regular practice.
Demonstrating the benefits of creative expression for patients living with acute or chronic illness, this volume provides a complete, practical introduction to medical art therapy.
Gender and Difference in the Arts Therapies: Inscribed on the Body offers worldwide perspectives on gender in arts therapies practice and provides understandings of gender and arts therapies in a variety of global contexts.