Cosmology Reborn: Star Wisdom is the new name for the Journal for Star Wisdom. It includes articles of interest concerning star wisdom (astrosophy), as well as a guide to the correspondences between stellar configurations during the life of Christ and those of today. This guide comprises a complete sidereal ephemeris and aspectarian, geocentric and heliocentric, for each day throughout the year. This edition is edited by Claudia McLaren Lainson and Joel Park, taking over from Robert Powell.According to Rudolf Steiner, every step taken by Christ during his ministry between the baptism in the Jordan and the resurrection was in harmony with -- and an expression of -- the cosmos. The Journal for Star Wisdom is concerned with these heavenly correspondences during the life of Christ. It is intended to help provide a foundation for cosmic Christianity, the cosmic dimension of Christianity. It is this dimension that has been missing from Christianity in its two-thousand-year history.This year sees the publication of the first volume of the series Star Wisdom--Cosmology Reborn. This title was chosen in commemoration of a lecture given in 1919 by Rudolf Steiner, 'Cosmogony, Freedom, Altruism', in which he indicates the development of a living Cosmology to be the task of the Anglo-American West. The first article in this volume by Joel Park illuminates this lecture from the standpoint of Astrogeography. This is followed by an article by Robert Powell, in which he describes the development of Astrosophy, and introduces a new, galactic perspective for casting horoscopes. Claudia McLaren Lainson, in her first article, addresses the historical gesture of Saturn-Pluto conjunctions. This is followed by a second article from Joel Park, in which he outlines his recent around the timeline of the events of the Parzival story. A vision from Estelle Isaacson is included, on the theme of the miracles of the Second Coming. This is followed by an assessment by Kevin Dann as to how well Cosmology has been able to arise in America since 1919. Julie Humphreys offers an illuminating piece on the historical gesture of Uranus in Aries. Then comes Claudia McLaren Lainson's second article, which gives a hermetic perspective on the events of our time. The final article is an otherwise out of print piece from the archives of Robert Powell on the Lunar Calendar.Finally, the monthly commentaries, supported by Julie Humphrey's astronomical previews for each month, are provided by Claudia McLaren Lainson, offering an opportunity to connect spiritual with the stellar configurations during 2019. This direct interaction between the human being on Earth and the angels and other heavenly beings connected with the stars is intended to help the reader toward developing the capacity to receive the wisdom-filled teachings of the angelic hierarchies
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The Rebirth of Cosmology
... have provided ecologically and cosmically relevant exposition of the common lectionary of the church in Cosmic Witness: Commentaries on Science/Technology Themes (Lima, Ohio: CSS Publishing Co., 1996) as has Jennifer M. Phillips, ...
It is therefore clear that conventional cosmology somehow is not attempting to study the beginning of creation as Scripture speaks about “in the beginning.” Rather, it is focused on a theorized scientific model related to the beginning ...
Time Reborn offers a radical approach to cosmology that embraces the concept of time and opens up a whole new universe of possibilities. “With rare conceptual daring, Smolin beckons toward a new perspective for doing cosmological theory .
Because of the merits acquired in former lives , they are naturally reborn to wisdom . Then they formulate this thought : “ On account of which deeds are we reborn here ? ” And again they think : “ Once , when we were mortal beings ...
For it was the original slaying of the cosmic dragon Vritra by the great warrior god Indra that released the waters upon the world and freed it from the Waste Land . The Tavatimsa Heaven In order to have a full understanding of the ...
doctrine of karma , Amerindians demoted those outside their group as not fully “ human ” and consequently justified them as fit objects ... Let me now develop the distinction between everyday social morality , whether ethicized or not ...
In Death, Burial and Rebirth in the Religions of Antiquity, Jon Davies charts the significance of death to the emerging religious cults in the pre-Christian and early Christian world.
Roberto Mangabeira Unger and Lee Smolin argue for a revolution in our cosmological ideas. Ideal for non-scientists, physicists and cosmologists.