The authoritative, professional guide to improving and sustaining diverse wildlife habitat conditions in New England.
An easy-to-use guide for enhancing wildlife habitat quality, timber values, and the appearance of forest lands.
Winter Keys to the Woody Plants of Maine, by C. S. Campbell, F. Hyland, and M. L. F. Campbell. 1975. University of Maine Bookstore, Memorial Union, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469. Foresters: Chapter 3 Selecting Consulting ...
Stockwell , S. S .; Hunter , M. L. , Jr. 1989. Relative abundance of herpetofauna among eight types of Maine peatland vegetation . J. Herpetol . 23 : 409-414 . Stone , W. B .; Kiviat , E .; Butkas , S. A. 1980.
This practical guide is an invaluable reference for students, land managers, and landowners who are developing and implementing management plans for habitat modification and improvement on both private and public lands.
This guide is an invaluable reference for students, land managers, and landowners who are developing and implementing management plans for habitat modification and improvement on both private and public lands.
... management of other patho - systems . Data availability statement The raw data supporting the conclusions of this ... Forest Service . Acknowledgments We thank the USDA Northern Research Station and State of New Hampshire Department of ...
A lavishly illustrated, comprehensive, interdisciplinary study of the natural and human elements that comprise the Upper Connecticut River watershed
This is an in-depth compilation of case studies on the development of forest management plans by the different landowner groups in North America.
Why Now? synthesizes the latest evidence on the importance of tropical forests in a way that is accessible to anyone interested in climate change and development and to readers already familiar with the problem of deforestation.
Biographer John F. Ross reconstructs the extraordinary achievements of this fearless and inspiring leader whose exploits in the New England wilderness read like those of an action hero and whose innovative principles of unconventional ...