A discussion of the author's confessionalization paradigm as a model for understanding European state formation
In Germany, Konrad Braun issued a criticism of the Centuries' historical method in 1565." Wilhelm Eisengrein published the first volume of his refutation of * Panvinio, De primatu, 121–37, 157–76 (on the Magdeburg Centuries), ...
Following the death as a result of overwork of Marcellus II after three weeks as pope , Gian Pietro Carafa was elected as Paul IV . The new pope , member of the Oratory of Divine Love , joint - founder of the Theatines , member of Paul ...
Recent research on the English Catholic seminaries and colleges on the continent has underlined the extent to which ... 1600–1800: Communities, Culture and Identity (London, 2017); J. E. Kelly, English Convents in Catholic Europe, c.
Plüer, Sebastian, 'Gotthard Kettler, letzter Ordensmeister in Livland und erster Herzog von Kurland – eine umstrittene Persönlichkeit in der Geschichtsschreibung', in: Das Herzogtum Kurland 1561-1795. Verfassung, Wirtschaft ...
Catholic Activism in South-west France, 1540-1570
Jérémie Ferrier, 1576-1626: du protestantisme à la raison d'Etat
By analyzing the surviving books published in Strasbourg during the Reformation era, Chrisman provides a new perspective from which to examine the cultural forces that influenced the thinking of this period.
... L. PASTOR , Storia dei papi , VIII , cit . , p . 548 . 224 Mario Carafa al Como , 14 marzo 1573. ASV , Nunziatura di Napoli , n . 3 , f . 161 . Roma , quando fu informato di un successivo colloquio del Girolamo Ferro 219.