Plucknett, Theodore F.T. A Concise History of the Common Law. Fifth Edition. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1956. Reprinted 2001 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. LCCN 00-067821. ISBN 1-58477-137-2. Cloth. $125. * "Professor Plucknett has such a solid reputation on both sides of the Atlantic that one expects from his pen only what is scholarly and accurate...Nor is the expectation likely to be disappointed in this book. Plucknett's book is not...a mere epitome of what is to be found elsewhere. He has explored on his own account many regions of legal history and, even where the ground has been already quartered, he has fresh methods of mapping it. The title which he has chosen is, in view of the contents of the volume, rather a narrow one. It might equally well have been A Concise History of English Law...In conjunction with Readings on the History and System of the Common Law by Dean Pound...this book will give an excellent grounding to the student of English legal history." Percy H. Winfield. Harv. L. Rev. 43:339-340.
After concluding that the mid-eighteenth-century colonial legal system usually functioned effectively, this text focuses on constitutional events leading to the American Revolution, showing how lawyers used ideology in the interests of ...
This volume contains reprints of the lectures delivered in the Selden Society lecture series from 1952 to 2000.
In Asking the Law Question, Margaret Davies provides an up-to-date account of traditional and contemporary legal theory. This edition retains the critical and contemporary focus of the first three editions.
Clearly and provocatively written, this book will be essential for anyone interested in processes of globalization.
Fusing Common Law and Equity: Remedies, Restitution and Reform
Some Lessons from Our Legal History
Summary: Identifies issues of contract law that are uniquely problematic for electronic contracts, including important appellate decisions from common law jurisdictions, such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia.
The law of nature -- The common law -- The adoption of written constitutions -- The separation of law and religion -- The explosion in law publishing -- The two-sidedness of natural law -- The decline of natural law and custom --Substitutes ...
This volume reproduces the text of the annual Sir Thomas More Lecture, together with other lectures and talks given in conjunction with it, or throughout the year, as part of the Inn's extensive programme of teaching and training in ...