Throughout America's history, U.S. Army officers have played an integral role in the formulation and execution of its national security policy. Future national security challenges will be markedly different from those which were met so successfully in the past. Such challenges demand a comprehensive Officer Corps strategy recognizing the interdependency of accessing, developing, retaining, and employing talented people, officers with high learning and problem solving aptitudes, whose mental acuity and intellectual agility allows them to master diverse competencies demanded now and in the future. Such a strategy would position the Army to compete with the civilian market for talent, translate directly into better officer development and retention through increased job satisfaction, and move the Army beyond personnel management to talent management. Such a strategy will create institutional agility, allowing the Army to achieve the right breadth and depth of officer competencies to meet evolving requirements--"the right talent in the right job at the right time."
Thomas Nelson , 2004 . Blackaby , Henry and Tom Blackaby . The Man God Uses . Broadman & Holman Publishers , 1999 . Blackaby , Henry and Richard Blackaby . Called to Be God's Leader : How God Prepares His Servants for Spiritual ...
18 Intervs , Murray with Myers , 15 Apr 74 , pp . 38–41 , and with Hart , 1973 , pp . 32–34 , 4244 ; Hottelet , “ Victor of Aachen , ” p . 491 ; Cir , Organizations and Functioning of G - 3 Plans and Operations .
Summarizes discussions with over 450 Army officers about leader development in Army units, and offers suggestions on how the Army school system can improve leader development.
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這是你的船: 成功領導的技巧和實踐
Inform me also as to the position of the enemy,—where Nelson is. Think over carefully the great enterprise you are about to carry out; and let me know, before I sign your final orders, your own views as to the best way of carrying it ...
The Army's operational requirements have expanded since the start of the 21st century.
In George B. McClellan and Civil War History, Rowland presents a framework in which early Civil War command can be viewed without direct comparison to that of the final two years.
Sheldon Colton to Delia Colton, March 3, 1862, in The Colton Letters: Civil War Period, 1861–1865, edited by Betsey Gates (Scottsdale: McLane Publications, 1993), 78; Nathan Kimball, “Fighting Jackson at Kernstown,” in B&L, 2:303. 35.
Since the inception of the USAF leadership, unit level leadership has been function of officers, particularly senior commissioned officers in the rank of lieutenant colonel (Lt Col.) and colonel (Col.)....