"The case studies in this volume confirm the conclusions of other PNSR analyses that the performance of the U.S. national security apparatus in inconsistent. Although some cases illustrate relatively clear, integrated strategy development, unified policy implementation, and coherent tactical planning, coordination, and execution; others depict flawed, divided, contradictory, and sometimes nonexistent strategy promulgation and enactment. Similarly, the U.S. national security system can provide resources efficiently, but it also can do so inadequately and tardily. Flawed responses recur in issue areas as diverse as biodefense, public diplomacy, and military intervention. They also occur across many presidential administrations, from the onset of the Cold War to the present day. The piecemeal organizational reforms enacted to date have not fostered improved policy outcomes or decisionmaking, while capability building, especially in the civilian national security agencies, remains less than optimal."--P. viii.
127 Richard Weitz, Case Studies Working Group Report, Volume II (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2012), 913. Lee Robinson, “Generals, Ambassadors, and Post-War Policymaking,” The Current 13, no.
The range of the study comprises a set of component studies that will form the basis of a Synthesis report ( Volume I ) to be compiled by a designated working group representing the five organizations . The component studies cover the ...
final report submitted to COP2, the expert group suggested relying on guidelines to assist the states in the ... results of the COP1 expert group deliberations were presented to COP2 (2007), which decided to create a working group to ...
“I was committed with dealing with the situation at the convention center and did not meet with him,” Honoré says, matteroffactly; Survival: How a Culture of Preparedness Can Save You and Your Family from Disasters, p. 127. 49.
Statistical Methods in Cancer Research
2. Daniel Bell, The Coming of Post Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting (New York: Basic Books, 1973), ... in U.S. Public Diplomacy,” in Project on National Security Reform—Case Studies Working Group Report, Vol. II, ed.
The IBO report was mainly concerned with the functioning of the policy mix itself, particularly the appropriate design ... and the audit results are shared with government through the interdepartmental working group at TNO.13 Recently, ...
Impact of Climate Change on Himalayan Glaciers and Glacial Lakes: Case Studies on GLOF and Associated Hazards in Nepal ... Contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The NPEC Sourcebook on Assessment: Selected institutions utilizing assessment results
Working group members, a consultant to the group, testing companies, test developers, and heads of higher education organizations identified the institutions presented as case studies in Volume 2. These institutions are illustrative ...