Until recently, acquiring a background in the basic methodological principles that apply to most types of investigations meant struggling to obtain results through laborious calculations. The advent of statistical software packages has removed much of the tedium and many of the errors of manual calculations and allowed a marked increase in the depth and sophistication of analyses. Although most statistics classes now incorporate some instruction in using a statistics package, most introductory texts do not. Quantitative Investigations in the Biosciences using MINITAB fills this void by providing an introduction to investigative methods that, in addition to outlining statistical principles and describing methods of calculations, also presents essential commands and interprets output from the statistics package MINITAB. The author introduces the three basic elements of investigations-design, analysis, and reporting-using an extremely accessible approach that keeps mathematical detail to a minimum. He groups statistical tests according to the type of problem they are used to examine, such as comparisons, sequential relationships, and associations. Quantitative Investigations in the Biosciences using MINITAB draws techniques and examples from a variety of subjects, ranging from physiology and biochemistry through to ecology, behavioral sciences, medicine, agriculture and horticulture, and complements the mathematical results with formal conclusions for all of the worked examples. It thus provides an ideal handbook for anyone in virtually any field who wants to apply statistical techniques to their investigations.
Quantitative Investigations in the Biosciences Using Minitab
The advent of statistical software packages has removed much of the tedium and many of the errors of manual calculations and allowed a marked increase in the depth and sophistication of analyses.
The Complete Textbook of Animal Health and Welfare is a core text for students in animal care, animal technology or animal science programmes, and a supplementary text for related equine, wildlife and veterinary courses.
The purpose of this book is to develop students' appreciation and understanding of statistical usage with the Biosciences and to equip them with the ability to apply statistical methods and the reasoning as an integral aspect of analysis ...
Book Review Index 2001 Cumulation
Even if investigators do have access to statistical advice, they will be expected to have some basic knowledge of the issues. This book aims to help.
The correlation procedure is invoked in exactly the same way as for Pearson's correlation (Stat>Basic Statistics>Correlation); the only difference is that we specify the columns containing the ranks, not those with the original data.
Books in Print
This workbook contains a set of laboratory exercises, based on Minitab Version 11 for Windows, designed to support the text Understanding Data: Principles and Practice of Statistics by David Griffiths, W. Douglas Stirling and K. Laurence ...
Subject Guide to Books in Print