An annotated and illustrated Thucydides reader containing passages from books I-VIII of the Histories with introductory material for all eight books of the Histories, commentary and grammatical notes. This book is a standard text for any college course in reading Thucydides in Greek. It is also suitable for post-intermediate, secondary school students who want to tackle the works of a popular but challenging author.
In 1978 a team of diggers led by Roger Mercer uncovered a human skeleton lying face down , just outside the ramparts of a large enclosure dating to c.3700_3200 BC , at Hambledon Hill in Dorset ( 13 ) . The skeleton , of a young man ...
Michael S. Bisson , S. Terry Childs , Philip de Barros , and Augustin F. C. Holl , Ancient African Metallurgy : The Socio - Cultural Context ( Walnut Creek , Calif .: AltaMira Press , 2000 ) . Moses I. Finley , The Ancient Economy ...
Jh.s haben sich gewisse Aufgabenzuweisungen durchgesetzt , andere Bereiche der Politik – z.B. Kirchen- oder Außenpolitik – sind nie auf Dauer delegiert , sondern vom Kaiser über besondere Beauftragte ( die auch Beamte sein konnten ) ...
Looks at the development of an active relationship between the public and ruins as to how they can be preserved and used.
The Island of Umm An-Nar: The Third Millennium Graves. 1
The first intertextual study of all (allusions to) fables occuring in Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic Greek literature, examining both modern and ancient fable theory as well as Greaco-Roman terminology of the genre.
concerning slavery that were used by Josephus , for his native language was Aramaic or Hebrew ( W 1. proem , 1 , 9 ) . ... August Pauly and Georg Wissowa ( Stuttgart , 1916 ) , 9 : 1963-69 , discusses all of Josephus ' literary sources ...
汉晋以降,外族渐次来华,杂居内地,即五胡十六国,迭为兴替。后来弱肉强食,彼吞此并,辗转推迁,又把十六国合为一大国叫作北魏。后来北魏又起内讧东分西裂,无暇顾及江南 ...
Much technical assistance , finally , has been provided at different points in the book's gestation , from Rachel Aucott , Regine May , and Andrew Kirk . We are extremely grateful for all this assistance and have done our best to ensure ...