Provides useful, practical information on how to improve speed and agility. In an easy-to-understand and apply manner, Sport Speed and Agility explains the science behind speed and agility training, including the technique behind running, the physiology behind speed and agility training, the role that motor learning and skill acquisition plays in agility training, and the theory behind program design. Offers sport-specific high school and collegiate speed and agility training programs for baseball/softball, basketball, football, ice hockey, rugby, and soccer. Also includes acceleration, maximum velocity, and agility drills with tips on how to make the drills more effective and more difficult.
This guide to the management of sports injuries for the athletic trainer and sports therapist includes contributions from experts from the field of sports medicine. It addresses the different aspects...
奧運選手為何跑得比你快? 選手訓練時,在訓練什麼? 跑步,可不是把腿部肌力練強健這麼簡單! 跑步,其實是身體攝取了氧,再將之轉換成能量 供應肌肉所爆發出向前衝刺的速度 ...
當運動員很難,當頂尖運動員更難! 大小威廉絲、張德培、費德勒、史蒂芬・柯瑞、C羅究竟跟一般運動員哪裡不一樣? ———————————— ...
奧林匹克素養教育所重視的不僅僅是頂尖運動員在場上追求卓越的成就表現,更期望體育行政人員、教練、家長乃至與一般大眾皆能透過學習奧林匹克活動相關的理念,能夠具備國際觀點、多元文化價值、和平、倫理、與美學的概念。 本書的撰寫,適逢國際奧會最新改革方案之政策,邀請幾位專家學者參與撰寫一本較貼近實用的青年運動員與青年運動教練輔導手冊,以作為奧林匹克素養教育的內容。搭配國際觀點與本土實例操作,希望能夠幫助國內年輕運動員及國高中體育班的青年運動教練與家長。 全書內容主要分為三大部分。第一部分,寫給國內相關體育運動行政組織,讓行政人員也可以了解到最新國際體壇趨勢與臺灣運動教育政策接軌。第二部分,寫給青年運動教練與家長,讓其了解理想教練哲學、倫理學在運動中所應扮演的角色。第三部分則是針對青年運動員,讓其了解自身選手的思維、心智模式、內在素養,成就自己被看見的一切。
Develop confidence in injury recognition and assessment techniques with this book. This book equips students and athletic trainers with what they need to develop the evaluation skills to identify and...
Sports psychologist and trainer Jim Loehr applies his expertise from the playing field to the trials and tribulations of everyday life. Drawing on years of research and experience, Loehr provides...
ACSM's Certification Review is a review manual for candidates wanting an ACSM credential including ACSM Certified Health Fitness Specialist (HFS), the ACSM Clinical Exercise Specialist (CES), and the ACSM Certified...
Over eighty world-renowned physical therapists, physicians and athletic trainers take a comprehensive, step-by-step, multidisciplinary approach to sports injury management--from evaluation through rehabilitation. This text not only provides a solid foundation...
When an athlete gets injured great attention is paid to understanding the physical nature of their injury and putting in place strategies for rehabilitation. Too often though, the psychological effects...
From sports participation to sports-specific conditions, this state-of-the-art text provides comprehensive guidance on the medical, psychological, and orthopedic issues unique to female athletes of all ages, both competitive and recreational....