Biological and chemical terrorism is no longer hypothetical speculation -- it's a frightening new reality in the world today. Health-system pharmacy will play an essential role in the response to any future attacks involving these deadly agents. This book provides healthcare professionals with the tools necessary to develop a viable plan to respond to biological and chemical terrorism. Inside you'll find a brief history of biological and chemical terrorism, a comprehensive review of the agents most likely to be used (anthrax, smallpox, phosgene, nerve gas, etc.), and an extensive list of references to help you build a library on this important subject. Use this book as a starting point to prepare your health-system pharmacy to handle the growing threat from weapons of mass destruction. Book jacket.
This book will be of critical interest to anyone involved in civilian preparedness for terrorist attack: planners, administrators, responders, medical professionals, public health and emergency personnel, and technology designers and ...
Biological and chemical weapons are a growing terrorist threat to the United States and other nations and countermeasures continue to evolve as a national and global priority issue.
U.S.-Soviet nuclear deterrence in the Cold War also discouraged Table 3. Instances of NBC Use by States in the. 153. See SIPRI, The Rise of CB Weapons, pp. 125-141. 155. See, for example, Keith B. Payne, “Deterring the Use.
A science-based text, New Developments in Biological and Chemical Terrorism Countermeasures presents research that addresses the growing threat of chemical and biological terrorism as well as the need for improvements in the implementation ...
This volume begins by introducing the shift in analysis of terrorist attacks after September 11, 2001 and summarizes selected case studies. It discusses the origin and nature of terrorism and the factors involved in diplomacy.
Divided in two parts, one devoted to chemical and the other biological weapons, this book emphasizes defense, decontamination, detection, treatment, mechanism of toxic action, and pathological effects in the case of each.
This book will simultaneously reassure citizens alarmed by the terrorist threat and give them concrete steps to take to feel safer at home and at work.
This book presents a means of assessing the relative threat from terrorist-use of individual chemical, biological, and toxin agents.
As terrorists become more determined to cause chaos, the possibility of them using chemical or biological weapons increases. An attack of this nature in any county would pose a great...
Chemical and biological experts and intelligence agency officials believe that the ease or difficulty for terrorists to cause mass casualties with an improvised chemical or biological weapon or device depends on the chemical or biological ...