Discusses the effectiveness of nonreligious transcendental meditation in providing relief from anxiety, depression, stress, and addiction, in a book that includes interviews with famous transcendental-meditation practitioners.
... a loss of felt participation in transcendent meaning. Recovery. of. Transcendence. Thus, Voegelin and Lonergan are among those who would argue that, whatever else it might entail, a successful response to the contemporary crisis of culture ...
Drawing from the lives of great scientists and creative leaders, the book captures the spiritual essence of all religions and is a a tribute to the multi-faith Indian society.
The Book of Job and the Immanent Genesis of Transcendence revives the enduring philosophical relevance and political urgency of the book of Job and thus contributes to the recent "turn toward religion" among philosophers such as Slavoj ...
Nicole fears she's losing her mind.
Westphal's phenomenology of faith sets this book into the main currents of Continental philosophy of religion today.
Transcendence seems to elude us and yet we do not stop thinking about it.
In this book, ten experts in philosophy of film explore the importance of transcendence for cinema as an art form in the films of the great directors, David Cronenberg, Karl Theodor Dreyer, Federico Fellini, Werner Herzog, Stanley Kubrick, ...
This book will be an important resource for students and scholars of philosophy and for all those interested in twentieth-century continental ideas.
source of violence.2 Transcendence, symbolically localized in Jerusalem, the common locale and site of conflict of the monotheistic traditions, is the basis for unprecedented violence by—as well as in the name of—a wrathful God.