The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education endorsed six General and five Psychiatric Competencies to be attained by psychiatric residents. As a result, these General (Patient Care, Medical Knowledge, Practice-Based Learning and Improvement, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism, and Systems-Based Practice) and Psychiatric (Brief Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Combined With Psychopharmacology, and Supportive Therapy) Competencies are now being phased in for all core residency training programs in the United States.
This volume, coauthored by the director and the associate director of general psychiatric residency education at Baylor College of Medicine, is a practical guide for educators working to incorporate the Competencies into their residency programs. It will help training directors and others involved in designing and implementing residency programs to ensure that residents develop all of the Competencies to the level expected of a new practitioner, as required by ACGME. The book - Lists the specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes that must be taught for each of the Competencies and provides example components for each. (These lists were developed by various groups of experts.) - Describes techniques for effectively providing feedback to residents. (Chapter titles include "How Residents Learn and Develop Competence" and "How to Assess Learning and Competence.") - Includes example goals and objectives for didactic courses and rotations, as well as ACGME's Toolbox of Assessment Methods(c). - Offers handy "to-do" lists for the program director, rotation coordinator, and course director, as well as an appendix section that contains forms for verifying resident experience, evaluating psychotherapy supervision, conducting semiannual evaluations, and evaluating residents' progress.
Core Competencies for Psychiatric Education is an indispensable guide for anyone trying to learn how best to teach and assess competency-based psychiatric curricula.
Activities , Adaptation , and Aging , 2 ( Fall ) : 21-30 , 1981 Folstein MF , McHugh PR : Dementia syndrome of depression in Alzheimer's disease : senile dementia and related disorders . Aging 7 : 87–93 , 1978 Folstein M , Folstein SF ...
... Intellectual Disability James S. Walker , PhD Assistant Professor of Psychiatry , Neurology , and Psychology Department of Psychiatry Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Nashville , Tennessee Internet : James .
Translated by Middeleeuwen de H. Garden City , NY , Doubleday , 1954 Jackson S : Acedia : the sin and its relationship ... New York , Basic Books , 1964 Kramer H , Sprenger J : Malleus Maleficarum ( 1486 ) ( English translation : London ...
Prinstein,for J. E., E., E., R. I. Ethnicity S. J., J. General General M., the J. D., M., L., Kupfer, ... severity Monk, schizophrenia: and Sramek, H. D. Y R., C., D. across J. J., in stay. therapy for emerging for J., A., 1505-1512.
After reading about the fundamental skills and techniques of counseling in the text, you can access complementary role plays, skill demonstrations, and process stages ... to see the same essential principles in action. -Back cover.
Gilbert ( 1948 ) , who studied Hermann Goering at the Nuremberg trials , describes him as a ruthless psychopath in a psychopathic government . A well - known Nazi said : “ Goering is a brutal egotist who doesn't give a damn about ...
Clinical Psychopharmacology 7 : 109–120 , 1984 Levenson JL : Neuroleptic malignant syndrome . Am J Psychiatry 142 : 1137–1145 , 1985 Levinson DF , Simpson GM : Neuroleptic induced extrapyramidal symptoms with fever ...
《心身医学临床指南》作为精神病学实践指南系列丛书中的一本,包含了在内、外科工作的精神健康专业人员所需的基本知识和实践指导,是他们获取这些信息最宝贵的资源。本书涵 ...
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