The Cossacks: An Illustrated History

The Cossacks: An Illustrated History
The Cossacks
History (General)
Harry N. Abrams
John Ure


The Cossacks have always exerted a strong pull on the imagination, whether as the ferocious horsemen who harassed the retreating Grande Armee of Napoleon all the way to the gates of Paris, or as the fiercely independent renegades who made several bloody attempts at rebellion in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and were responsible for various atrocities continuing into the twentieth century. This splendidly-illustrated volume tells the tale of these great warriors, which is itself woven inextricably through the history of the Russian and Soviet empires. Career diplomat and critically-acclaimed travel writer John Ure traces the story of the Cossacks from the times of Ivan the Terrible, who first employed the horsemen of the Don to repel Tartar and Turkish invaders. From this point in history, the Tsars of Russia counted on the service, if not always the loyalty, of the Cossacks. After the period of Cossack rebellions, led successively by Bogdan, Stenka Razin, Mazeppa, and Pugachev, the Tsars once again harnessed the Cossacks for their own purposes, using them in the front lines in the wars against Napoleon and in the Caucasus, and later to suppress the fomenting revolution. Brutally repressed during the Stalin era, the Cossacks have experienced a resurgence in the post-Communist era. In the early- and mid-nineties. Cossack units were re-established in the Russian Army, and some Cossacks saw action in Bosnia and Chechmya. Once again, they are reclaiming their role in history as a force in both the political and military spheres. John Ure also traces the influence of the Cossacks on Russian culture: writers such as Tolstoy (who served in a Cossack regiment in the Caucasus). Pushkin. Lermontov, and Pasternak all romanticized the Cossacks in print. Featured in this volume in full-color are a glorious and broad selection of paintings, lithographs, and photographs that document this fascinating history. The Cossacks emerge from this narrative in all their brilliant glory -- dashing and cruel, unpredictable and immensely brave. Book jacket.

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