Since publication in 1984 of his seminal book on homiletics,
Forget the 18,000 arrests figure he threw out. If we just concentrate on known gang leaders and known gang members and hold them responsible for the activities of the gang, we'll be doing fine. After all these years, you would think ...
Preaching as Spiritual Leadership provides solutions to the following questions: How is preaching embedded in the Church’s pastoral mission? What does it mean to be a shepherd and spiritual leader for others?
An inspiring source of encouragement and instruction for all ministers of the gospel. ... —David W. Brookman author of Basic Books for the Minister's Library Phillips Brooks (1835-1893) was born in Boston and educated at Harvard College ...
This point is especially worth making at Christmas, for Christians find it easy to be compelled by seasonal ... having a clear beginning and ending, being poetic in nature in contrast to the prose narrative that follows (l:l9ff.) ...
In this new book Willimon explores that relationship explicitly by engaging Barth’s work on the pitfalls and problems, glories and grandeur of preaching the Word of God.
In a sermon preached on the National Day of Mourning after the 1995 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City, Annette Sowell wanted to make the theological point that God was present in the midst of this tragedy.