The SHRM Essential Guide to Employment Lawis your One-Stop Legal Reference to Employment Law. It simple, straightforward language on everything HR professionals, employers, and small business owners need to know about their relationship with their employees in order to comply with the law and protect thems elves and their business from legal action.Covering more than 200 workplace law topics, the Guide provides an overview of U.S. workplace laws, regulations, and court decisions that employers, large or small, are likely to face, as well as what pitfalls to anticipate and when to seek professional advice. Each chapter offers general principles, highlights key issues, and provides specific examples and suggestions to help make the employer-employee relationship run more smoothly.
"The SHRM Essential Guide to Employment Law presents in simple, straightforward language everything HR professionals, employers, and small business owners need to know about their relationship with their employees to comply with the law and ...
"An A-Z reference encyclopedia, with more than 200 entries defining and explaining employment and labor law topics.
A Guide to Hiring, Managing, and Firing for Employers and Employees Lori B. Rassas. 24. ADA Amendments Act of 2008, Pub. L. No. 110-325, ยง2(b)(6), 122 Stat. 3553; U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commn., Questions and Answers on the ...
Co-published with the Society for Human Resource Management. The Essential Guide to Federal Employment Laws explains the 20 most important federal laws dealing with employment issues -- a must-have book...
The Essential Guide to Workplace Investigations shows you how to legally and successfully investigate and resolve any type of complaint or problem.
Fred Steingold Barbara Kate Repa ... 2000 Amy Delpo Jackie Mancuso Toni Ihara Kimberly Cline Susan Cornell Bertelsmann Industry Services , Inc. Steingold , Fred . The employer's legal handbook / by Fred S. Steingold -- 3rd ed . p . cm .
This text is designed to give business professionals a complete grasp of labor and employment law. Topics include the National Labor Relations Act, contract negotiations, strikes, unfair labor practices, grievances...
Addresses law and employment decisions with a management perspective. This text explains how to approach and manage legal employment decisions, and outlines the specific legal framework in which management decisions...
CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT LAW: AN EMPLOYER'S GUIDE is the go-to guide for anyone who must contend with employment law in California as part of their day-to-day work, including employers based outside of California who have employees working in ...
"Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A."--Cover.