Provides a list of one hundred world classics, offering information on plot, characters, main themes, symoblism, and composition for each book.
THE NATIONAL BESTSELLER At the age of forty-eight, writer and film critic David Denby returned to Columbia University and re-enrolled in two core courses in Western civilization to confront the literary and philosophical masterpieces -- the ...
Over 130 essays in all, What Makes This Book So Great is an immensely readable, engaging collection of provocative, opinionated thoughts about past and present-day fantasy and science fiction, from one of our best writers.
A blockbuster illustrated book that captures what Americans love to read, The Great American Read: The Book of Books is the gorgeously-produced companion book to PBS's ambitious summer 2018 series.
This story-saturated engagement with the virtues is pragmatic enough to touch the nitty-gritty of our lives and imaginative enough to inspire.
It was nostalgia and a longing for that place and time that led me to pick up my dad's worn copy of MobyDick the summer before I entered college. I was astounded to discover how much of it I still knew by heart from all of the summers ...
In Rescuing Socrates, Dominican-born American academic Roosevelt Montás tells the story of how a liberal education transformed his life, and offers an intimate account of the relevance of the Great Books today, especially to members of ...
The Great Books of Hashish
Order and Chaos
Junior Great Books
How to Get Unstuck introduces readers to the ten core principles at the heart of becoming an effective person whose life genuinely flourishes and impacts others positively.