As energy passing through matter organizes matter, so years of intimacy with the ocean and its waves organizes and alters the perceptions of the surfer. The lulls, sets, and rogue waves; the briny stew in which they tumble and struggle; the continual oscillations of reflective surfaces under shifting skies; the lurking presence of "The Landlord" -- all of this alters the senses while it educates the surfer, revealing the laws of the universe on a scale that can be engaged and understood. This collection of stories will pull you into the world of the surfer -- capturing your emotion and engaging your mind. As varied as the patterns of waves, these stories reveal the joy, fear, longing, and ever-present questions of human emotion and existence. Book jacket.
A collection of Edgar Allan Poe's horror and mystery stories.
The Collected Stories of William Faulkner
Many try and many fail. In this series we look at short stories from many of our most accomplished writers. Miniature masterpieces with a lot to say. In this volume we examine some of the short stories of James Fenimore Cooper.
"The sea" concludes this collection, with 15 tales of energy and passion, including the novel "The sea wolf."
John Griffith "Jack" London was born John Griffith Chaney on January 12th, 1876 in San Francisco.
In this selection of his best work, O. Henry is represented by sixty-two tales--among them the memorable "The Gift of the Magi," "Mammon and the Archer," and "Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen."
Stories based on human life.
These are stories that add immeasurably to our perception of Cather's range and complexity.
Crane had signed on as seaman , and the boat left for Cuba on New Year's Day , 1897. It sank the second day out , and Crane survived the shipwreck with three other men in a ten - foot dinghy . Each of the thirty hours in rolling seas ...
In American Literature Edith Wharton is much beloved. Her stories are exquisite whether they be novels or short stories. A wonderful experience to read.