The illustrator of a retelling of "Little Red Riding Hood" provides a step-by-step account of her work to reveal the principles of illustration and the role of shape and color in expressing ideas and emotions.
Jacqueline Sheehan made serious waves with her much beloved runaway bestseller, Lost and Found.
Conjured back to life by Rembrandt's famous "Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer," Aristotle surveys history and profiles historical personalities, ultimately concluding that not much has changed in 2,500 years
When foster child Ethan becomes involved in a photography program for at-risk kids in an attempt to put his life on the right track, he finds himself in another difficult situation when he starts receiving threats from someone over what is ...
"Now children age six and under can read about some of the most remarkable stories in Amazing Stories of the Bible!
Picture books for young adults can provide a unique introduction to curriculum-related topics that will capture student interest. This annotated bibliography of over 600 picture books for students in grades...
This board book explores different shapes found in nature.
Essays by Jay Winter, Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Jennifer D. Keene, and others reveal the centrality of visual media, particularly the poster, within the specific national contexts of Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and the United States during ...
Designed for highschoolers with social communication problems, this book encourages students to examine photographs of social interations and determine the most appropriate responses.
Even if he has to choose between love and his career.The heat between them is enough to set the world alight, or burn everything they care about.If you adore standalone second chance love stories with sensuous chemistry and a gorgeous ...
This is the disease that kills most men and women in the United States and knowing about it earlier makes common sense.