Exam Certification Guides from Cisco Press are comprehensive study tools for Cisco certification exam preparation that combine tutorial learning of all topics for the relevant exam with proven learning, retention, and self-assessment pedagogical tools. The accompanying CD-ROM also includes an electronic copy of the book.
This is the eBook version of the print title. The eBook edition does not provide access to the CD content that accompanies the print book. Official self-study test preparation guide for the Cisco QOS 642-642 exam.
Certification candidates can practice with the 200-question test engine and electronic version of the book on the enclosed CD-ROM.
Cisco QOS Exam Certification Guide (IP Telephony Self-Study) (642-642).
This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version. Official self-study test preparation guide for the Cisco QOS 642-642 exam.
Ccnp Ont Official Exam Certification Guide
6 6 Grundlagen zu TCP / IP - Transport , -Anwendungen und -Sicherheit 121 147 187 In diesem Teil werden folgende ... im OSI- und im TCP / IP - Modell beschreiben Auswirkung von Anwendungen ( Voice over IP und Video over IP ) auf ein ...
Well-regarded for its level of detail, assessment features, and challenging review questions and exercises, this official study guide helps you master the concepts and techniques that will enable you to succeed on the exam the first time.
Ch. 1.
HSRPv1, with 256 possible HSRP groups per interface, then uses the last two hex digits to identify the HSRP group. For example, an HSRP group 1 using version 1 would use a virtual MAC address that ends in hex 01.
Covers the objectives of the CCNA INTRO exam and provides review questions, scenario-based exercises, and a testing engine found on the companion CD-ROM.