This beautiful and comprehensive guide, many years in the making, is a manual for identifying the butterflies of Iowa as well as 90 percent of the butterflies in the Plains states. It begins by providing information on the natural communities of Iowa, paying special attention to butterfly habitat and distribution. Next come chapters on the history of lepidopteran research in Iowa and on creating butterfly gardens, followed by an intriguing series of questions and issues relevant to the study of butterflies in the state. The second part contains accounts, organized by family, for the 118 species known to occur in Iowa. Each account includes the common and scientific names for each species, its Opler and Warren number, its status in Iowa, adult flight times and number of broods per season, distinguishing features, distribution and habitat, and natural history information such as behavior and food plant preferences. As a special feature of each account, the authors have included questions that illuminate the research and conservation challenges for each species. In the third section, the illustrations, grouped for easier comparison among species, include color photographs of all the adult forms that occur in Iowa. Male and female as well as top and bottom views are shown for most species. The distribution maps indicate in which of Iowa’s ninety-nine counties specimens have been collected; flight times for each species are shown by marking the date of collection for each verified specimen on a yearly calendar. The book ends with a checklist, collection information specific to the photographs, a glossary, references, and an index. The authors’ meticulous attention to detail, stimulating questions for students and researchers, concern for habitat preservation, and joyful appreciation of the natural world make it a valuable and inspiring volume.
Provides common and scientific names, size, gender specific and seasonal representations, and habitats for 64 easily seen midwestern species of butterflies.
A collection of North American Indian legends from the Tewa, Kiowa, Chiricahua, Musquakie, and Menominee tribes.
Replete with page after page of full-color photographs, the book shows the monarch's rarely captured destination wintering grounds.
Now observing them is even better with the Butterflies of the Midwest Field Guide. This handy book by acclaimed author and professional entomologist Jaret C. Daniels makes field identification simple and informative.
This field guide to Indiana's rich butterfly fauna covers all 149 species of butterflies and their close relatives, the skippers. Belth also offers an introduction to the natural history of butterflies --
This full-color guide is a must-have for anyone who wants to help bring back the butterflies! Create a garden that flutters with life! Protect and nurture the best-loved of garden guests: butterflies, nature’s kaleidoscopes with wings.
Global in scope, classical in form, evocative of place, and deeply emotional, this collection marks the beginning of what promises to be an illustrious career.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the...
Original. This beautiful book continues the Ozark Society Foundation s nature series created almost forty years ago and is the first time that all of Arkansas s rich population of butterflies and moths has been written about.
Striking photographs of the adult moths and of their larval stages make this guide as beautiful as it is useful.