Touch of frost: It has been a hot, dry summer in Doverdale and people are dropping dead of exposure to extreme cold. G.P. Rowley, county agricultural agent and amateur sleuth, discovers the deaths may be far more strange than they seem, and anything but natural. The last intergalactic signting of Melgor Lich: In a galaxy full of law-abiding aliens, why is one little human criminal causing so much trouble? That's what two agents of Irthian World Peace Correspondence Schools, Pym the white dwarf and Ebulliant, a red giant, wonder as they chase Melgor Lich across Nogh, a strange world full of stranger creatures.
Antología con más de cuarenta autores que prestan su visión para hacer un recuento de la película original de Star Wars; cada una de estas historias recrea algún momento de la película a través de los ojos de un personaje secundario.
... in The New Review from January to May of 1895 , and The War of The Worlds appeared in Pearson's Magazine in 1897 . ... Besides Jules Verne , who was published just about everywhere , writers like Edgar Allan Poe and Edward Everett ...
Strange Universe: An Anthology of Science Fiction
The Dragon in the Sea
" ... [F]eatures 17 original and two classic tales that reflect the current creative state of Texas sci-fi. alongside historical essays and an introduction by Hugo award-winning, Texas ex-pat Bruce Sterling."--Back cover.
The Jesus Incident
The third gripping action-adventure novel set in the dark, military world of the blockbuster video game from LucasArts, STAR WARS: REPUBLIC COMMANDO.
The Best of Poul Anderson
Presents a collection of short stories, including "Call Me Joe," "The Immortal Game," "The Live Coward," and "Then Death Will Come.".
The Book of Poul Anderson