The goal is one of narrowing the quality gap that is largely responsible for suboptimal health care practices and outcomes. This is the first volume in a series of reports intended to support these goals.
This book recommends a sweeping redesign of the American health care system and provides overarching principles for specific direction for policymakers, health care leaders, clinicians, regulators, purchasers, and others.
Improved communication in healthcare means quicker recoveries, fewer lawsuits, and happier nurses and patients.Closing the Communication Gap can help readers improve communication by closing the gap between what the communicator mea
This book offers a novel and proven approach to the retention and success of underrepresented students.
Rather than concentrating on the specific clinical practices that appear to improve health outcomes, the focus of this review is on translating research into practice—identifying those activities that increase the rate at which practices ...
No Excuses marshals facts to examine the depth of the problem, the inadequacy of conventional explanations, and the limited impact of Title I, Head Start, and other familiar reforms.
Computerized inventory control at major food manufacturers and retailers has resulted in less waste and spoilage, but it's also responsible for fewer donations of food to charities. Fortunately for food banks (but less so for their ...
This review seeks to synthesize evidence regarding the efficacy and effectiveness of interventions to improve medication adherence among adults across a broad array of chronic conditions.
This book presents the proceedings of the XXII International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, International IIE Conference 2016, and International AIM Conference 2016.
This book offers a solution Bestselling author and nationally renowned therapist Terrence Real unearths the causes of communication blocks between men and women in this groundbreaking work.