Clear, concise, and engaging, Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation teaches the fundamentals of a highly complex subject with skillfully drafted problems, explanatory text, and a selective mix of original source materials. The coursebook incorporates all relevant changes from recent acts, including the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 and the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003. Important new highlights include discussions on the impact of reduced tax rates on qualified dividends, new rules limiting the transfer or importation of built-in-losses, and the response by courts and the Internal Revenue Service to corporate tax shelters. The sixth edition also contains new material on corporate reorganizations and S corporations, rulings on Section 351 control requirements and corporate divisions, and more permissive eligibility requirements and other new statutory rules.
F Supp- 36 ATR 1529 , 1916 P.-II. 1 72,118 ( DC Calil ) ( See Adamson v U. S. ) ADAMSON , R. R. , MRS . , - BTA - , 1934 ( P .. II . ) BTA Memo . Doc . $ 31,370 ADAMSON » V. S. , 26 AFTR 1188 ( DC Calll , Sept X , 1939 ) Iv - Cassan ...
A return to coverage of partnerships & limited liability companies highlights the Third Edition of FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION OF CORPORATIONS AND PARTNERSHIPS. With more of the extremely effective problems that...
มีนักธุรกิจทั้งหน้าเก่าหน้าใหม่หลายท่านที่มีปัญหาในการทำสัญญาหรือร่างสัญญาและต้องถูกผูกมัดหรือผูกพันตนกับสัญญาที่ได้ทำขึ้น หลายคนเสียใจหรือฆ่าตัวตายกับสัญญามามากต่อมากแล้ว หนังสือเล่มนี้จะช่วยให้ท่านได้พิจารณาถึงหลักทั่วไปของการทำสัญญาบางประเภท ข้อควรระวังในการทำสัญญา รูปแบบของสัญญา และที่จะขาดเสียมิได้นั่นก็คือ ภาระภาษีตามประมวลรัษฎากร
A return to coverage of partnerships and limited liability companies highlights the Third Edition of Federal Income Taxation of Corporations and Partnerships. with more of the extremely effective problems that...
Introduces the basic structure for taxing C corporations, partnerships, and S corporations, and reviews several fundamental concepts in dealing with problems in business taxation, such as the Crane rule involving...
Federal Income Taxation of Partnerships and S Corporations
The organization, operation, and taxable sales and liquidations are studied on a comparative basis, first looking at C corporations, then partnerships, and then S corporations. The last area, reorganization, pertains...
Taxation of Business Organizations; Classification; Corporate Taxation: The C Corporation as a Taxable Entity, Formation of a Corporation, Capital Structure, Nonliquidating Distributions, Stock Redemptions and Partial Liquidations, Stock Distributions and...
财务管理是企业管理中的重要一环。而作为管理者的财务总监,其在公司的角色也越来越重要。一个优秀的财务总监应该具备良好的职业道德、杰出的战略领导能力以及全面的工作能力。 本书将财务总监的管理能力分为5篇:财务控制篇、价值管理篇、投融资管理篇、战略管理篇以及考核与激励篇。从这5个角度入手,通过理论介绍、实践分析和案例解析,详细剖析优秀财务总监应具备的这5项管理能力。希望读者能通过阅读本书对财务总监的工作有更深的理解,并对实际的财务管理工作有所帮助。