Unlike casebooks, this title goes with greater detail into the human stories and the social, political, and legal contexts of the "big" Supreme Court cases regarding criminal justice. It unearths details not available anywhere else. In addition to great narrative enrichment, it provides the provocative thoughts of highly respected scholars who are each experts on the particular cases they address. This book will greatly enhance the teaching of both police practices (a/k/a "Cops and Robbers") and criminal adjudication (a/k/a "Bail to Jail") by providing both important context not available in any casebook and by offering the insights of some of the scholars who have thought the most deeply about these cases and issues.
Softbound - New, softbound print book.
The book tells the story of a serial killer. The book is based on the true story of the worst case of serial killers in American history.
This book is a complete, unchanged reprint of Chapters 1-6 of Saltzburg & Capra, American Criminal Procedure (8th ed. 2007). The new edition of the hardcover text contains detailed commentary,...
See William W. Freehling, The Road to Disunion: Secessionists Triumphant, 1854–1861, at331–33 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007). On the staffing ofslave patrols, see Sally E. Hadden, Slave Patrols: Law and Violence in Virginia ...
The book covers such topics as: Arrest, search and seizure Right to counsel Digital surveillance Police interrogation and confessions Undercover investigations Lineups and other Pre-Trial Identification Procedures Grand jury investigation
Softbound - New, softbound print book.
This collection describes the day-to-day functions of lawyers, courts, and the law in personal injury, divorce, employment relations, real estate, and commercial practice; criminal justice; and the appellate process.
In Barred, legal scholar Daniel S. Medwed argues that our justice system’s stringent procedural rules are largely to blame for the ongoing punishment of the innocent.
Explaining the Criminal Procedure
The moral ambiguities of the detectives' world as they move between the streets and a bureaucratic behemoth is examined through their personal stories, in a collection that captures the real-life exploits, investigations, sensibilities, and ...