Inspiration for the Netflix Limited Series, Tales of the City The fifth novel in the beloved Tales of the City series, Armistead Maupin’s best-selling San Francisco saga.
Karen Shimakawa , National Abjection : The Asian American Body Onstage ( Durham , NC : Duke University Press , 2002 ) , 3 . 11. Shimakawa , National Abjection , 100 . 12. Zhang Longxi , Mighty Opposites : From Dichotomies to Differences ...
As Morgan and Patricia start seeing each other, he has no idea where the three of them are headed. With insight and sensitivity, Sandra Kitt gives us a passionate and thought-provoking novel about family, race, identity, and romantic love.
Anthropology is by definition about "others," but in this volume the phrase refers not to members of observed cultures, but to "significant others"—spouses, lovers, and others with whom anthropologists have deep relationships that are ...
Significant Others seeks to fill this knowledge gap so readers will become more acquainted with the religious backgrounds of devout non- Christians they are meeting, as well as with the growing number of American people who claim no ...
On the night Odie May and her married lover are due to celebrate him leaving his wife, Odie goes out to buy a bottle of his favourite wine and, on her way home, is murdered by a woman in a lime green coat.
The continental economies are intertwined in ways disastrous for Africa, and African knowledge is all too often exported and translated for US and European scholarly aims, which increases the intercontinental knowledge gap.This volume ...
Significant Others: Gender and Culture in Film and Literature, East and West : Selected Conference Papers
“Roast chicken?” I asked, not understanding. “Every widowinthe complex keeps a roastchicken or a casserole in her freezer tobring over when oneof the men here loseshis wifeor significant other,”AuntHelene explained.
... Adventure in Iraq, 2006–2008 (New York: Penguin Books, 2009), 60. he was determined to use it: Ibid.; J. F. Sattler, “Fallujah—The Epicenter of the Insurgency,” in T. S. McWilliams and K. P. Wheeler, eds., Al-Anbar Awakening, vol.