Extrait de la préface : "The subject of this study is social change in the Middle East, North Africa, and Afghanistan ; its impact on women's legal status and social positions ; and women's varied responses to, and involvment in, change processes. It also deals with constructions of gender during periods of social and political change. Social change is usually described in terms of modernization, revolution, cultural challenges, and social movements. Much of the standard literature on these topics does not examine women or gender, and thus [the author] hopes this study will contribute to an appreciation of the significance of gender in the midst of change. Neither are there many sociological studies on MENA and Afghansitan or studies on women in MENA and Afghanistan from a sociological perspective. Myths and stereotypes abund regarding women, Islam, and the region, and the sevents of September 11 and since have only compounded them. This book is intended in part to "normalize" the Middle East by underscoring the salience of structural determinants other than religion. It focuses on the major social-change processes in the region to show how women's lives are shaped not only by "Islam" and "culture", but also by economic development, the state, class location, and the world system. Why the focus on women? It is [the autor's] contention that middle-class women are consciously and unconsciously major agents of social change in the region, at the vanguard of movements for modernity, democratization and citizenship."
RLE Women and Religion gathers in one place a collection of previously out-of-print titles from a variety of historic imprints.
Kebebasan wanita
Kebebasan wanita
Set In South Pakistan, This Controversial Novel Is A Searing Study Of Evil.
An illustrated introduction to the lives of thirteen Muslim women throughout history who have had a positive influence in their communities.
Women, at par with men, enjoy all rights under Islamic law. This is true, contradictory to the common belief that Islam denies women of their natural rights.
The Rights and Duties of Women in Islam
to Ibin Hajar walima is used for the ceremony of nikah [Muslim marriage]... other common usage of the word is for example: ... with a religious ritual feast, represents one of the Arabic words introduced into Persian popular culture.
Unique in its approach and its subject matter, the book relates Mir-Hosseini's engagement, as a Muslim woman and a social anthropologist educated and working in the West, with Shici Muslim thinkers of various backgrounds and views.
Kamala may not be allowed to go to the school dance -- but Ms. Marvel is! Which is bad news for... Loki? Then, when a mysterious stranger arrives in Jersey City, Ms. Marvel must deal with -- a crush! Prepare for drama! Intrigue! Romance!