The tintype, patented in 1856, was a cheap, fast, easy-to-make, practically indestructible type of photograph that became enormously popular among the working class in the late nineteenth century. For common laborers and their families, the opportunity to join the ranks of those who owned pictures of family and friends--the upper classes--was momentous. This collection exhibits more than eighty examples of a specific kind of tintype: occupational portraits, photographs of working people with the tools of their trade. Michael L. Carlebach examines the historical significance of these tintypes and finds that they reveal a great deal about late nineteenth-century values. The subjects of these images are plumbers proudly holding their wrenches and pipe cutters, carpenters with their saws and lathing hatchets, textile workers with their spindles and yarn, icemen with their tongs. These people lived and worked at a time when a depersonalized factory system run by production and efficiency experts was beginning to dominate American industry and culture. Many of the men and women in these tintypes were part of a disappearing class of self-employed artisans and journeymen; their portraits proudly stress their individuality and the essential nobility of their work. The most common reaction of historians to tintypes has been undisguised contempt or, at best, indifference. The photographs were generally seen as hopelessly unartistic and common. Yet Carlebach celebrates these anonymous portraits and finds that they say as much about today's working Americans--who are much more likely to document their toys and leisure activities than their professions--as they do about the working men and women who proudly sat for them in a much different age.
The body never lies—and through the murders, accidents, and suicides that land on her table, Dr. Melinek lays bare the truth behind the glamorized depictions of autopsy work on television to reveal the secret story of the real morgue. ...
The first edition was dedicated to the memory of Bill Worley, artist, film fan, and friend. I remember his contagious enthusiasm for films fondly. Since the first edition was published, a wonderful teacher, film fan, and friend has also ...
The author, a college graduate with a "restrictive" English degree, recounts his job search woes after having forty-two jobs in the past ten years, as everything from a fish cutter to a film set assistant.
Working Stiffs
Engravings by Thomas Rowlandson and William Hogarth of eighteenth— and early—nineteenth—century dissecting rooms show cadavers' intestines hanging like parade streamers off the sides of tables, skulls bobbing in boiling pots, ...
From mine-hand, Crampton moved on to work as an assayer, surveyor, and eventually became known as one of the West’s best mining engineers. Included are 32 pages of photographs from the author's collection.
And in this book, he finally gets some use out of the forty thousand he blew on his English degree—providing an “entertaining, unusual mix of autobiography and social commentary [from] a sharp-eyed, impassioned critic of the American ...
Explores the history of the portrayal of the working class in motion pictures
Working Stiffs is a hilarious, action-packed tale of survival in the fast-paced world of pharmaceuticals.
"An epic, original reinvention of the Gothic novel, taking the characters of our greatest novels, myths, and nightmares - the werewolf, the vampire, Frankenstein - and reimagining them for our time"--