Written in accessible, nontechnical language, this book's twenty-three essays provide invaluable conservation guidelines for a variety of materials and media. Focusing also on proper storage techniques and environmental control, contributors offer information on emergency planning, disaster management, and identifying damages that may require professional treatment.
All in one book—I’m impressed! Every wetlander should add this book to her or his swampland library. Ralph Tiner, University of Massachusetts–Amherst
This important scientific volume comprehensively explores the biology and ecological status of manatees and dugongs in all of the geographic regions where they can be found today, from the Caribbean to Eastern Africa, from Arabia to the ...
That few landscapes across the globe remain untouched by humanity should give wildlife professionals and conservation biologists pause. Should conservation efforts focus primarily on preserving “natural” habitats and should research ...
Critical considerations and practical advice on procedures that can be used by resource managers to conserve, maintain, and preserve species diversity.
This is an authoritative and insightful survey of the evolving field of photograph conservation. This volume is the first publication to chronicle the emergence and systematic development of photograph conservation as a profession.
This new volume in the GCI's Readings in Conservation series brings together a selection of seminal writings on the conservation of historic cities.
California Wildlife: Conservation Challenges : California's Wildlife Action Plan
This book includes information about some of the vital pieces of work being conducted across the world, on various practices related to biodiversity conservation.
Similarly, the value of nontimber forest products (leaves, stems, roots, fruits, flowers and bamboo shoots) consumed by the Karen people of Western Thailand is approximately $320 per household (Delang 2006).
Why "the balance of nature"?