The extraordinary autobiography of astronaut Fred Haise, one of only 24 men to fly to the moon In the gripping Never Panic Early, Fred Haise, Lunar Module Pilot for Apollo 13, offers a detailed firsthand account of when disaster struck three days into his mission to the moon. An oxygen tank exploded, a crewmate uttered the now iconic words, “Houston, we’ve had a problem here,” and the world anxiously watched as one of history’s most incredible rescue missions unfolded. Haise brings readers into the heart of his experience on the challenging mission--considered NASA’s finest hour--and reflects on his life and career as an Apollo astronaut. In this personal and illuminating memoir, illustrated with black-and-white photographs, Haise takes an introspective look at the thrills and triumphs, regrets and disappointments, and lessons that defined his career, including his years as a military fighter pilot and his successful 20-year NASA career that would have made him the sixth man on the moon had Apollo 13 gone right. Many of his stories navigate fear, hope, and resilience, like when he crashed while ferrying a World War II air show aircraft and suffered second and third-degree burns over 65 percent of his body, putting him in critical condition for ten days before making a heroic recovery. In Never Panic Early, Haise explores what it was like to work for NASA in its glory years and demonstrates a true ability to deal with the unexpected.
Astronaut: Never Panic Early
Thirteen is the shocking and miraculous true story of how the astronauts and ground crew guided Apollo 13 back to Earth.
The book focuses on Edgar's amazing journey to the Moon in 1971 and highlights the many steps he took to get there, including growing up as a farm boy on a ranch; living in Roswell, New Mexico, during the alleged UFO crash; graduating from ...
Chief engineer Thomas J. Kelly gives a firsthand account of designing, building, testing, and flying the Apollo lunar module.
The decades-long love story of a NASA commander and the leader of the Astronaut Wives Club Far Side of the Moon is the untold, fully authorized story of the lives of Frank and Susan Borman.
When he did, instead of a comfortable seventy-two degrees, the air in the room felt more like ninety with humidity every bit as high. The consoles might as well have been sitting outside in the hot Houston sun.
It was as if wherever he landed, the light shone 'round about him, and that was the place to be. Cooper knew as well as anyone else that it was more prestigious to be in Fighter Ops than in engineering at Edwards.
... Panel thought it best, on balance, to stick with the launch schedule but warned Sorensen that the chance of disaster was as high as one in ten. Some at NASA were even more pessimistic. “I shudder to think of that shot,” John Hagen,
Apollo 1 is a candid portrayal of the astronauts, the disaster that killed them, and its aftermath.
Only in Panic Early, Panic Often will you learn what no other "How to be the Perfect Mother" books are willing to share, such as: - How to banish monsters with nothing but a handful of pocket link - How to gain security at Chuck E. Cheese - ...