The first full-fledged history not just of the Man of Steel but of the creators, designers, owners, and performers who made him the icon he is today, from the New York Times bestselling author of Satchel and Bobby Kennedy “A story as American as Superman himself.”—The Washington Post Legions of fans from Boston to Buenos Aires can recite the story of the child born Kal-El, scion of the doomed planet Krypton, who was rocketed to Earth as an infant, raised by humble Kansas farmers, and rechristened Clark Kent. Known to law-abiders and evildoers alike as Superman, he was destined to become the invincible champion of all that is good and just—and a star in every medium from comic books and comic strips to radio, TV, and film. But behind the high-flying legend lies a true-to-life saga every bit as compelling, one that begins not in the far reaches of outer space but in the middle of America’s heartland. During the depths of the Great Depression, Jerry Siegel was a shy, awkward teenager in Cleveland. Raised on adventure tales and robbed of his father at a young age, Jerry dreamed of a hero for a boy and a world that desperately needed one. Together with neighborhood chum and kindred spirit Joe Shuster, young Siegel conjured a human-sized god who was everything his creators yearned to be: handsome, stalwart, and brave, able to protect the innocent, punish the wicked, save the day, and win the girl. It was on Superman’s muscle-bound back that the comic book and the very idea of the superhero took flight. Tye chronicles the adventures of the men and women who kept Siegel and Shuster’s “Man of Tomorrow” aloft and vitally alive through seven decades and counting. Here are the savvy publishers and visionary writers and artists of comics’ Golden Age who ushered the red-and-blue-clad titan through changing eras and evolving incarnations; and the actors—including George Reeves and Christopher Reeve—who brought the Man of Steel to life on screen, only to succumb themselves to all-too-human tragedy in the mortal world. Here too is the poignant and compelling history of Siegel and Shuster’s lifelong struggle for the recognition and rewards rightly due to the architects of a genuine cultural phenomenon. From two-fisted crimebuster to über-patriot, social crusader to spiritual savior, Superman—perhaps like no other mythical character before or since—has evolved in a way that offers a Rorschach test of his times and our aspirations. In this deftly realized appreciation, Larry Tye reveals a portrait of America over seventy years through the lens of that otherworldly hero who continues to embody our best selves.
An alien orphan from the planet Krypton crash lands on Earth, and is adopted by a human couple--one day he will become Superman, defender of the people of Earth.
A better model was Wilson Hirschfeld, the crusading reporter and managing editor of The Plain Dealer in Cleveland and a high school classmate of Jerry and Joe's. The three had worked together on the Torch, and dreamed up stories ...
"Originally published in single magazine form in All-star Superman 1-12."
Intertwining stories about the invention of Superman as a defender of the little guy, his rise as a media force and the real fight against the Ku Klux Klan demonstrate how a mythical hero could take on the fight for civil rights.
A fascinating journey through comic book lore, American history, and Jewish tradition, this book examines the entirety of Superman's career from 1938 to date, and is sure to give readers a newfound appreciation for the Mensch of Steel!
2016, ... Golden Age Captain America Omnibus Volume 1, edited by Cory Sedlmeier, Marvel Comics, 2014, pp.
Chronicles how writer Jerry Siegel and illustrator Joe Shuster created the character of Superman and, after being turned down by several editors, finally published their first comic book featuring the Man of Steel in 1938.
The Superman Files reveals the secret life of the man named Clark Kent and the world of the greatest superhero.
This story details new revelations that reframe the Man of Steel’s most famous milestones-from Kal-El’s frantic exile from Krypton, to Clark Kent’s childhood in Kansas, to his rise to become the most powerful and inspiring superhero ...
Multi-award-winning and New York Times bestselling author Gene Luen Yang and artist Gurihiru tell a bold new story based on a classic Superman radio serial! Collects Superman Smashes the Klan #1-3. DC Graphic Novels For Kids