Described in this unique directory are nearly 1,300 merit scholarships and other no-need funding program available specifically to students already in college or students thinking of returning to college. This book was named by Choice as the best of the best and included in its list of: outstanding Academic Titles of the Year.
See Chuck Peacock Memorial Scholarship , entries ( S ) 50 , ( SS ) 250 Pearson Book Stipend . See Joseph G. Pearson Book Stipend , entry ( SS ) 293 PEMCO 21st Century Educator Scholarship . See WASA / PEMCO 21st Century Educator ...
... University of North Carolina - Asheville , University of North Carolina - Greensboro , Warren Wilson College , Western Carolina University , Western Piedmont Community College , Wilkes Community College , or Young Harris College .
Additional information This program began in 1960 as the Radcliffe Institute for Independent Study , a multidisciplinary program for women scholars , scientists , artists , and writers . That institute later became the Mary Ingraham ...
Foundation Grants to Individuals
... Lafayette College , Lehigh University , Messiah College , Swarthmore College , Villanova University , Widener University , and Wilkes University . Number awarded 2 each year . Deadline April of each 20 FINANCIAL AID PROGRAMS.
... Drexel University , Gannon University , Geneva College , Grove City College , Lafayette College , Lehigh University , Messiah College , Swarthmore College , Villanova University , Widener University , and Wilkes University .
... Drexel University , Gannon University , Geneva College , Grove City College , Lafayette College , Lehigh University , Messiah College , Swarthmore College , Villanova University , Widener University , and Wilkes University .
... Drexel University , Gannon University , Geneva College , Grove City College , Lafayette College , Lehigh University , Messiah College , Swarthmore College , Villanova University , Widener University , and Wilkes University .
Financial Aid for Hispanic Americans , 2006-2008 Nearly 1,300 funding programs open to Americans of Mexican , Puerto Rican , Central American , or other Latin American heritage are described here . 492 pages . ISBN 1-58841-135-4 .
Financial Aid for Asian Americans, 2005-2007 Use this award-winning source to find funding for Americans of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, ... Money for Christian College Students, 2005-2007 This is the only XII.