This book analyzes theories of liability and provides in-depth discussion of: RICO; planning, budgeting and monitoring banking & lender litigation from the perspective of inside counsel and more.
Lender Liability and Banking Litigation
This book covers the major areas of potential conflict, from disputes with domestic customers to those arising from global custodianship and international banking. It helps minimise risk, by explaining the correct procedures to follow
This comprehensive book begins with a consideration of the nature of the general banker-customer relationship, the obligations it poses and the issues relating to the commencement of the banking relationship.
This practical volume covers: Developments regarding federal pre-emption of state banking laws; Federal agency warnings, guidance and advisories to financial institutions concerning new types of financial products; Cases exploring the outer ...
The Law of Lender Liability
This new edition has been completely revised to incorporate these changes, so that you can provide your clients and colleagues with the most up-to-date advice.
1.225 McHugh ( Felix ) v Union Bank of Canada ( No.2 ) ; McHugh ( Thomas ) v Union Bank of Canada [ 1913 ] A.C. 299 , PC ( Can ) . 13.140 , 13.150 , 13.185 , 13.195 McInerney v MacDonald ( 1992 ) 93 D.L.R. ( 4h ) 415 .
This focused litigation guide is a must for both lenders' & borrowers' attorneys.
This focused litigation guide is a must for both lenders' & borrowers' attorneys.
Lender Liability is a new and potentially devastating aspect of environmental liability that all those advising corporates and Financial Institutions must be aware of. Co-published by UKELA, the text covers...