The chest x-ray is the most commonly performed diagnostic x-ray examination. Highly illustrated and with only a minimum of necessary text, this new book takes a highly efficient pattern-based approach to evaluating the chest x-ray. Classes of findings, such as increased radiolucency or alveolar shadow: atelectasis, are used to orient the reader toward the underlying medical problem. Tables help to organize the basic findings so as to be able to arrive at a differential diagnosis. While the emphasis is on the chest x-ray, a supporting role is played by helpful CT images, schematics and drawings, and photographs of pathologic specimens, where these may be helpful to understand the chest x-ray appearance of the disease. Chest x-rays are often performed routinely, prior to employment, prior to surgery or during immigration. The examining physician must be in a position to evaluate large numbers of chest x-rays confidently and speedily. This book succeeds admirably in helping the examiner to this end.
CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE Medical Division of Pearson Professional Limited RC 941 . ( 578 ) 1997 Distributed in the United States of America by Churchill Livingstone Inc. , 650 Avenue of the Americas , New York , N.Y. 10011 , and by ...
My thanks are also due to Dr. G. Hauff and the For many years , I have had the good fortune to Georg Thieme Verlag , who have shown conhave as my anesthetist Dr. Ann Triscott , whose stant interest and have been helpful in every wise ...
Collin P - P , Desjardins JG , Khan AH . Pulmonary sequestration . ... Eisenberg P , Cohen HL , Coren C. Color doppler in pulmonary sequestration diagnosis . J Ultrasound Med 1992 ; 11 : 175 . 36. ... Oliphat L , McFadden RG , Carr TJ ...
1196 , 1197 Hoffken , W. , 207 : 1336 Hoffman , A. A. , 273 : 1197 Hoffman , E. , 968 : 1276 ; 1537 : 1494 Hoffman , G. , 1671 : 1508 Hoffman , K. , 1062 : 867 Hoffman , M. A. , 491 : 827 Hoffman , P. C. , 1277 : 1470 Hoffman , P. F. ...
Teaching Atlas of Thoracic Radiology
Surgery of the Chest
Surgery of the Chest
J. Trauma 21 ( 1981 ) 280–284 162 Kahi , T. , S. Ikeda , S. Hitomi , T. Funatsu , R. Abe , T. Ooka , Y. Chang , A. Chiu , K. Takahashi ... 33 ( 1980 ) 315–320 183 Larsen , P. E. , K. K. Ibsen : Primary spontaneous pneumothorax .
Cardio-thoracic Imaging
This text systematically covers all the main topics involved in the current practice of a thoracic surgeon, incorporating current guidelines for practice.