Liberty and Justice for All (What a Joke!)

Liberty and Justice for All (What a Joke!)
Biography & Autobiography
Bookstand Publishing
Hugh B. McKeen


BEWARE -- Don't read LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL (What A Joke ) if you are prone to get angry. The "Tea Party" movement is on the right track -- Federal Government takeover is bad news. You only know the beginning of the story; read this book and find out how any Federal takeover will drastically affect your life in America. Forget your right to -- Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness that is guaranteed by our U.S. Constitution. The Pledge of Allegiance to our flag will no longer give you -- Liberty and Justice "for all." I have endured 48 years of having the federal government as my master. The federal agencies become a brotherhood; together they will protect their inner system that gives them more rights than our citizens. It is further frustrating that our Federal Judges give favoritism to government employees concerning legal matters in court. Speaking out against the Government made me a target and they conspired and came after me personally. They said they would teach me a lesson and did use illicit means in their mission. I soon learned that I had almost no legal rights compared to the rest of our citizens. When the government hires honest employees they immediately have lucrative amenities. This lifestyle soon coerces them to do illicit things when following orders from their federal superiors. You will learn that our Forest Service is a typical Federal bureaucracy. The system has become self-serving and our forests are very poorly managed. They have huge budgets; hire experts and managers of every description that study all facets of our forests. Their quest to have more wildernesses is more important than a healthy forest. Citizen use of our national forests is being reduced and our wildlife depleted. It is time to for many of our federal management agencies to be completely replaced. The Tea Party has a difficult job; our citizens have to be weaned from their continual sucking of the federal cow. Herbert Spencer once noted that on any given day, you could read two stories in the papers about the failures of government programs -- and three stories about pleas for "new government programs" to do even more for us. If there was ever a time to pray it is NOW.

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