Retold with a whimsical Texas twist, an entertaining collection of thirty-three classic fables ranges from the story of a crafty coyote and his endless tricks to the wise life lessons from an elderly Cherokee chief.
Library of Congress Cataloging - in - Publication Data Davis , David , 1948 Oct. 29The southern Twelve days of Christmas / by David Davis ; illustrated by Candace Camling . p . cm . ISBN 978-1-4556-1773-9 ( hardcover : alk . paper ) ...
On the twelfth day of Christmas my darlin' gave to me Twelve longhorns leaping, eleven broncos bucking, ten tall Stetsons, nine bluebonnets blooming, eight boots a'scootin', seven jackrabbits jumping, six flags of Texas, five armadillos ...
" This book will delight all ages with its unforgettable Texan flavor, as Humpty Dumpty falls and turns into a plate of huevos rancheros and Little Miss Toni eats a biscuit and jerky.
Ten Redneck Babies: A Southern Counting Book
It is believed that Aesop was a slave who lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 560 B.C. This illustrated collection contains 110 of his celebrated fables.
He was able to mine a poetic vein in American art and literature, including books like photographer Paul Strand's Time in New England and American literature from Melville to John Hawkes. A cross-cultural dialogue emerged between John's ...
Exhibition catalogue on Artist Ellen Tanner and her recent series featuring works from Aesop's Fables, Love and Loss Families Series and Greek Myths.
When ten Texas babies mosey into town in this counting book, they find all types of mischief in the Lone Star State.
Fable 302 The Caretaker and the 99year-old “You young people think you know everything? How can you know more than me? ... Fable 304 Weathermen A weatherman in Texas sighed, and said to his co-anchor, “Again, another sunny and dry day.
These classic tales of memorable and adorable creatures learning right from wrong are the perfect way to introduce children to concepts of conscience, kindness, and empathy.