The Glorious Fourth of July: Old-Fashioned Treats and Treasures from America's Patriotic Past

The Glorious Fourth of July: Old-Fashioned Treats and Treasures from America's Patriotic Past
Fourth of July
Pelican Publishing
Diane C. Arkins


Americans have long reveled in honoring the nation's birthday with intense enthusiasm. The Fourth of July holiday evokes images of jubilant parades, star-spangled banners, and glittering flashes of fireworks while drums and whistles sound in the background with an unmatched sense of splendor and excitement. In her third book with Pelican, author Diane C. Arkins paints an evocative picture of the celebratory festivities of Independence Days past by presenting a wealth of inspiration for decorating and entertainment, which were taken directly from the pages of the leading periodicals of that bygone era. She combines the exceptional ideas with page after page of authentic photographs, artistic vintage postcards, and patriotic memorabilia.

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