The fact that higher welfare benefits result in more young single mothers ' setting up their own households ( Ellwood and Bane 1985 ) implies that these Census estimates are somewhat downwardly biased . Nonetheless , the results using ...
Lessons, Challenges, and the Way Forward Communication Initiative (Organization), FAO., Food and Agriculture ... Reform Project Conseiller Technique Principal FAO Cameroun Yaoundé Founding President Community Kathmandu Radio Association ...
"The vivid, impassioned, writings collected together in this powerful volume chronicle Orwell's first-hand experiences of life among the underclass of the 'two nations' of rich and poor.
There was no question of Irish , Welsh or Scottish Gaelic being recognized . Irish children even in Catholic schools might receive ambivalent messages about their heritage : insistence on the separate religious identity did not rule out ...
War on Poverty , 5 , 187–188 Wehman , P. , 123 Welch , Finis , 41 , 158 Welfare mothers , 29 , 30 Welfare - to - work programs , 33 West Virginia , welfare levels , 21 Wilms , Wellford W. , 145-146 Wisconsin , Learnfare , 30 Wiseman ...
... 特右旗、太仆寺旗、正镶白旗吉林(8个县):靖宇县、镇赉县、通榆县、大安市、龙井市、和龙市、汪清县、安图县黑龙江(14个县):延寿县、泰来县、甘南县、拜泉县、绥滨县、饶河县、林甸县、桦南县、桦川县、汤原县、抚远县、同江市、兰西县、海伦市安徽(19 ...
Examines personal voter registration, describes its supporters, and what is needed to maintain an active electorate.
Originally published as a three-part series in The New Yorker, Ken Auletta's seminal piece of reportage, The Underclass, has been deemed the classic study of poverty in America. Now with...
People and Folks: Gangs, Crime, and the Underclass in a Rustbelt City
California's Rising Income Inequality: Causes and Concerns