Romantic provocateur, flamboyant bohemian, precocious novelist, perfect poet—not to mention an inexhaustible journalist, critic, and man-about-town—Théophile Gautier is one of the major figures, and great characters, of French literature. In My Fantoms Richard Holmes, the celebrated biographer of Shelley and Coleridge, has found a brilliantly effective new way to bring this great bu too-little-known writer into English. My Fantoms assembles seven stories spanning the whole of Gautier’s career into a unified work that captures the essence of his adventurous life and subtle art. From the erotic awakening of “The Adolescent” through “The Poet,” a piercing recollection of the mad genius Gérard de Nerval, the great friend of Gautier’s youth, My Fantoms celebrates the senses and illuminates the strange disguises of the spirit, while taking readers on a tour of modernity at its most mysterious. ”What ever would the Devil find to do in Paris?” Gautier wonders. “He would meet people just as diabolical as he, and find himself taken for some naïve provincial…” Tapestries, statues, and corpses come to life; young men dream their way into ruin; and Gautier keeps his faith in the power of imagination: “No one is truly dead, until they are no longer loved.”
The interval was quite too long for the fantom to be han dled in any commercial way . My problem was , therefore , to produce from my tinned Essence of Ghost a specter that was capable of immediately going into business and that could ...
My Friends is Emmanuel Bove’s first and most famous book, and it begins simply, though unusually, enough: “When I wake up, my mouth is open.
... GABRIEL GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ Clandestine in Chile : The Adventures of Miguel Littin ALAN GARNER Red Shift * THÉOPHILE GAUTIER My Fantoms JEAN GENET Prisoner of Love ELISABETH GILLE The Mirador : Dreamed Memories of Irène Némirovsky by Her ...
Love always to the wind beneath my wings: my Tacos, Intellectual Hotties, Sister Wives, Dolls (especially Mel and Cheryl), my hypopara sisters, and my Fantoms. Shout out to the people who keep me running (my family, my besties, ...
With the show came my fantom family, my fossil fantoms, and some of my best friends. As sappy as it sounds, thank you to the JATP cast, crew, writers, and Kenny Ortega for giving us something so special that it changed our lives.
Thank you all: Diane Goodman, Catherine Barnett, Helen Schulman, Dani Shapiro, Willis Barnstone, Eavan Boland, and Bill Clegg. I couldn't have written this book without the support of my family. My sisters, Cindy and Laura, ...
The Adventures of Miguel Littín LEONARD GARDNER Fat City: william H. GASS On Being Blue: A Philosophical Inquiry” THEoPHILE GAUTIER My Fantoms GE FEl The Invisibility Cloak JEAN GENET Prisoner of Love ÉLISABETH GILLEThe Mirador: Dreamed ...
... Philosophical Inquiry” THEoPHILE GAUTIER My Fantoms JEAN GENET Prisoner of Love JEAN Glono Hill” John GLASSco Memoirs of Montparnasse' P.V. GLOB The Bog People: Iron-Age Man Preserved NIKOLA GOGOL Dead Souls" PAUL GooDMAN Growing Up ...
WILLIAM H. GASS On Being Blue : A Philosophical Inquiry * THÉOPHILE GAUTIER My Fantoms JEAN GENET Prisoner of Love ÉLISABETH GILLE The Mirador : Dreamed Memories of Irène Némirovsky by Her Daughter * JEAN GIONO Hill * JOHN GLASSCO ...
I then assembled and translated a collection of his autobiographical fantasy tales, My Fantoms, and out of this collection arose the story of 'Poor Pierrot'. Here was a haunting mythical figure from the Commedia dell'Arte, ...