How can you best persuade an appellate court to decide a case in your favor? This book is packed with useful examples and clever ancedotes that will sharpen your presentation and argument skills for use at the state, federal and Supreme Court level.
With a New Introduction by Bryan A. Garner, President, LawProse, Inc. This book tells how to brief and how to argue a Federal case on appeal.
First, they give the court easy access to the writer's basic argument. ... Anytime readers take a break between two segments of the document (whether those segments are sentences, paragraphs, or sections) their attention peaks.
Examples make the advice concrete rather than abstract. The book provides extensive review and citation of advice from judges and practitioners. Organization permits teachers to select material as appropriate for class needs.
Chief Justice John Roberts warns: “You don't have a lot of confidence in the substance if the writing is bad.” Bryan A. Garner, Interview with John G. Roberts Jr., 13 Scribes J. Legal Writing 5,6 (2010). The late Justice John Paul ...
Authors for this book are some of the best-of-the-best teachers and authorities on how to be an effective appellate advocate.
Effective Advocacy: in General; Theme; Structure; Appellate Process: Overview, Review Standards, Record, Jurisdiction. Multi-Judge Panels; Levels of Review: State Intermediate Courts, State Courts of Last Retort, Federal Courts of Appeals,...
This accessible paperback: provides a complete introduction to the techniques and process of writing appellate briefs emphasizes the process approach to writing, beginning with large-scale issues such as content and organization, moving to ...
In this eminently browsable book, Bryan A. Garner has collected and arranged the most important, interesting, and penetrating statements from judges and lawyers about how to conduct an oral argument....
New to the Fifth Edition: New bullets at the end of each chapter reviewing major takeaways Expanded coverage of research advice in Chapter 3, including discussion on Boolean searches A new chapter on using statutes in briefs, covering ...
88 Wilcox v. Arpaio, __ F.3d __ (9thCir. 2014).................................................... 134 Wiles v. Webb, 329 Ark. 108,946 S.W.2d 685 (1997)................................. 65-67 Wisconsin Retired Teachers Ass'n., Inc. v.