This seventh book in the best-selling monograph series presents articles addressing current issues and strategic questions at the cross-roads of science, technology and the law, including the selection and use of scientific expert witnesses, scientific uncertainty in the courtroom, public health quarantines, takings and much more.
This book will serve as a vital resource for both sponsors and producers of systematic reviews of comparative effectiveness research.
They have ensured that this concise, practical text, which avoids technical jargon, continues to be the first reference for all health professionals undertaking literature reviews.
Scientific Evidence Review
It is hoped therefore that this book will be invaluable to all those who want to understand the role of systematic reviews, critically appraise published reviews or perform reviews themselves.
This book, written by two highly-respected social scientists, provides an overview of systematic literature review methods: Outlining the rationale and methods of systematic reviews; Giving worked examples from social science and other ...
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By breaking down topics and essential steps, this volume teaches you how to form key questions, select evidence, and perform illuminating review not just in predictable circumstances, but when basic rules don’t apply—honing your ability ...
Focused on actively using systematic review as method, this book provides clear, step-by-step advice on the logic and processes of systematic reviewing.
This book will help students formulate a strategy for making clear decisions about what to include and not include in their literature reviews, and avoid getting overwhelmed by the sheer volume of available research.
Coast, E., Jones, E., Portela, A. and Lattof, S. (2014) Maternity care services and culture: a systematic global mapping of interventions. PLOS One, 9, 9, e108130. College of Emergency Medicine (2010) Bias and Confounding. London: RCEM.