This comprehensive, current examination of U.S. law as it relates to global climate change begins with a summary of the factual and scientific background of climate change based on governmental statistics and other official sources. Subsequent chapters address the international and national frameworks of climate change law, including the Kyoto Protocol, state programs affected in the absence of a mandatory federal program, issues of disclosure and corporate governance, and the insurance industry. Also covered are the legal aspects of other efforts, including voluntary programs, emissions trading programs, and carbon sequestration.
"This book is an update to Climate Change Laws in the U.S. The legal landscape is complex, unstable, and expanding.
This domestic legal regime, covered comprehensively in this updated volume, consists of federal greenhouse gas regulations issued under the Clean Air Act and federal energy efficiency statutes, new disclosure requirements imposed under the ...
These are just a few examples of how states are adopting measures to address global climate change by curbing greenhouse gas emissions; numerous other states have adopted or plan to adopt greenhouse gas emission regulations, ...
This book examines lawsuits over climate change that have been brought around the world. It can serve as a resource for those interested in the problem of climate change and in the role that courts are playing in climate regulation.
This book maps the current and potential impacts of climate change on the norms, principles, rules and processes of international law.
Presents comprehensively the currently un-mapped constellation of issues related to climate change, public health, and the law.
Aimed at a nonspecialist audience, this book provides concise and comprehensible answers to the core questions cities confront when seeking to develop legally sound local climate policy.
The following years produced significant policy documents,3 and significant reductions in emissions, although these were the result ... A separate Climate Change (Scotland) Act followed in 2009, called for both by the division of legal ...
Taking a sweeping look at the current and proposed legal aspects of coping with climate change, this is a comprehensive resource of laws aimed at increasing resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change.
This book is based on the acknowledgment that climate change is a multifaceted challenge that requires action on the part of all stakeholders, including civil society, and the notion that climate change is at a tipping point with urgent ...