The United States has pursued missile defences since the dawn of the missile age shortly after World War II. The development and deployment of missile defences has not only been elusive, but has proven to be one of the most divisive issues of the past generation. The Bush Administration substantially altered the debate over missile defences. The Administration requested significant funding increases for missile defence programs (about 61% above that approved by Congress for FY2001), eliminated the distinction between national and theatre missile defence, restructured the missile defence program to focus more directly on developing deployment options for a 'layered' capability to intercept missiles aimed at US territory across the whole spectrum of their flight path, adopted a new, untried development and acquisition strategy, announced US withdrawal from the 1972 Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty, and is planning to deploy an initial missile defence capability by 2004-2005. The Bush Administration's plans raise a number of issues, many of which are examined in this book. The issues that will continue to receive attention are 1) ballistic missile proliferation; 2) a new acquisition concept for developing missile defence that does not lend itself readily to oversight, system definition, or cost and effectiveness analysis; and, 3) the deployment of a mid-course missile defence system in Alaska and California.
Air and Missile Defense Systems Engineering fills a need for those seeking insight into the design procedures of the air and missile defense system engineering process.
The volume editors give a comprehensive introduction to this wide range of subjects and an assessment of future prospects.
Roger W. Barnett , " Trans - SALT : Soviet Strategic Doctrine , " Orbis , 19 ( Summer 1975 ) , 554-555 , 558 . 28. Brown , Defense Annual Report FY 1980 , p . 35 ; Marshall , " Arms Competitions , " p .
Making Sense of Ballistic Missile Defense: An Assessment of Concepts and Systems for U.S. Boost-Phase Missile Defense in Comparison to Other Alternatives suggests that great care should be taken by the U.S. in ensuring that negotiations on ...
To more quickly field ballistic missile defenses, the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) has been exempted from traditional DoD requirements dev¿t., acquisition, and oversight processes.
Cruise missile defense: progress made but significant challenges remain
Experts and non-experts alike—whether needing to examine the offense-defense tradeoffs anew, to engage with a policy update, or to better understand the debate as it relates to a country or region—will find this book invaluable.
This is a very important and insightful report because many of the cost assessments for these technologies in the past, which concluded they were too expensive, are no longer applicable. Why buy a book you can download for free?
In early 2007, the Bush Admin. proposed deploying a ground-based mid-course defense element in Europe of the larger Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMD) to defend against an Iranian missile threat.
H. Wilson, 1986); and Phillip Boffey, VV1lliam_l. Broad, Leslie Gelb, Charles Mohr, and Holcomb B. Noble, Claiming the Heavens: The New l'ork Times Complete Guide to the Star l/l/IIFX Debate (New York: Times Books, 1988). 13.