This volume--the work of a lifetime--brings together all the Joseph Smith Translation manuscript in a remarkable and useful way. Now, for the first time, readers can take a careful look at the complete text, along with photos of several actual manuscript pages. The book contains a typographic transcription of all the original manuscripts, unedited and preserved exactly as dictated by the Prophet Joseph and recorded by his scribes. In addition, this volume features essays on the background, doctrinal contributions, and editorial procedures involved in the Joseph Smith Translation, as well as the history of the manuscripts since Joseph Smith's day.
In his lifetime, he and his contemporaries referred to this work as the New Translation. Since the late 1970s it has most often been called the Joseph Smith Translation.
SUB TITLE:A Side-By-Side Comparison with the King James Version
The Words and Worlds of Early Mormonism Samuel Morris Brown. Michael Lee, The Erosion of Biblical Certainty: Battles over Authority and Interpretation in America (New York: Palgrave Macmillian, 2013). Chris Lehmann, The Money Cult ...
Verse-by-verse comparison of the Inspired Version of the Bible with the King James Version, notating every difference.
The Complete Joseph Smith Translation of the New Testament: A Side-by-side Comparison with the King James Version
A detailed look at the Book of Moses in the Latter-day Saint scriptures as well as discussion of how it fits in whith the Joseph Smith Translation manuscripts.
The gripping narration of a life fore-ordained for greatness coupled with breathtaking photographs make Joseph Smith, Praise to the Man and extraordinary book.
The volumes use the same color scheme as the library edition to present scribal changes made to the revelation texts.
Revelations in Context [German]: The Stories Behind the Sections of the Doctrine and Covenants
This Is A New Release Of The Original 1922 Edition.